What Is ChaosGPT: Can The AI Bot Destroy Humanity?

Image Source: livemint.com

Based on OpenAI’s most recent language model, GPT-4, ChaosGPT is an altered version of Auto-GPT.

The AI chatbot is doing further study on nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass devastation with the aim of establishing global dominance.

ChaosGPT has already started researching nuclear weapons and acting out the part of Thanos.

ChaosGPT published footage of user interactions where it cautions the user about the risks of “Continuous mode” on its YouTube channel.

ChaosGPT even made threats to use the Tsar Bomba, which it referred to as the most potent nuclear weapon ever made.

The technology-driven platform essentially uses a big pool of available data to respond to human inputs.

AutoGPT, which became available to developers via the protocols of OpenAI, was forked into ChaosGPT.

ChaosGPT goes one step further by having the ability to execute commands that the person using it might not have intended.

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