Violent protests at the world’s largest iPhone factory in China

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Workers at the largest iPhone factory worldwide, located in Zhengzhou, central China, engaged in violent altercations early on Wednesday.

Police authorities in China have beaten up workers who were demonstrating over wages and working conditions at the largest iPhone factory

Videos posted online showed hordes of policemen in white protective clothing and plastic riot shields facing thousands of protestors wearing masks.

According to an employee named Li Sanshan, demonstrations started on Tuesday when workers who had traveled great distances to accept a position at the factory claimed that the company altered the conditions of their compensation.

Foxconn apologized and said that the confusion over compensation was caused by a “technical error”.

The protest brought attention to the negative economic and social effects of Xi Jinping’s Covid Zero plan.

The Foxconn incident serves as yet another warning to Apple about the risks of relying on a sizable production system headquartered in China

Apple has already issued a warning that it will supply fewer smartphones than expected during the crucial holiday quarter.

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