US to spend $42 billion to make internet access universal by 2030

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President Joe Biden announced a $42 billion plan to expand broadband internet access throughout the United States.

The $1 trillion 2021 infrastructure package that Biden supported authorized the funds for BEAD Programme.

Texas and California, are at the top of the financing list with the amount of 3.1 billion USD and 1.9 billion USD out of the $42 billion, respectively.

Alabama, Louisiana, and Virginia made the top ten list for financing.

Every single state receives at least 107 million USD, with rewards ranging from 27 million USD up to 3.3 billion USD for Texas and territories of the United States such as the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Part of the 2024 election will be viewed as a vote on how Biden handled the country’s financial situation.

Good Things include the creation of jobs and fewer unemployed people.

Negatives include rising prices and the ripple effects of increasing interest rates, which have increased concerns about an economic downturn.

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