Twitter to start charging developers for API access

Gray Frame Corner

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Twitter will stop providing free access to the Twitter API on February 9 and instead will release a paid version.

White Frame Corner

Twitter will be discontinuing assistance for both the legacy v1.1 as well as the latest v2 Twitter APIs.

White Frame Corner

This new change may force some devs to give up their brands or pass the expense on to their consumers.

Large numbers of developers use the Twitter API for a variety of purposes, including monitoring Twitter accounts and providing alerts.

Gray Frame Corner

Twitter’s latest revelation could have an influence on research in a wide range of sectors, such as hateful speech and online harassment.

White Frame Corner

Academic institutions frequently use Twitter to understand human behavior in various regions.

Limiting free API usage could also deter companies from developing methods to detect the dissemination of false information on Twitter.

Twitter has even aimed to improve relationships with developers in recent times by introducing new programs such as the Twitter toolkit for app discovery.

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