Is AI getting better at mind-reading?

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Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has made significant advances in recent years.

AI can be trained to predict and infer human behavior and thoughts to a certain extent by analyzing patterns and data.

Machine learning algorithms can be trained to recognize facial expressions and body language.

An AI that might interpret the private thoughts of human beings was detailed in a study that was released in the journal Nature Neuroscience.

The A.I. did this by examining fMRI scans, which assess the flow of blood to various parts of the brain.

Researchers have already created language-decoding techniques to recognize speech attempts made by persons who are mute and to enable paralyzed people to write simply by thinking about writing.

The new language decoder is among the first to do so without the use of implants.

The brain activity patterns were then compared to the words and sentences the subjects had heard using a comprehensive language model.

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