Instagram starts testing its age verification tools in more countries

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Instagram started testing its age verification tools: uploading their ID, making a video selfie, or requesting friends who know them to do so.

Meta revealed that it had begun trying its Instagram age-verification tools in additional nations, including Mexico and Canada.

Instagram would ask a user to verify their age with one of the three ways if they tried to change their birth date from under 18 to 18 or older.

The test was first made available in the USA, and in October it was also made available in Brazil and Japan.

Currently, more nations in Europe, Mexico, Canada, South Korea, Australia, and Japan are testing the age verification tools.

You can present an ID, such as a passport or a driver’s licence, to prove your identity.

You can use the video selfie approach if you do not have a valid ID.

Once you submit a video selfie, Yoti receives it and uses specially trained AI to confirm your age.

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