Google Agrees to Delete Web Browsing Data Collected in ‘Incognito’ Mode

Google agrees to delete web browsing data collected in 'Incognito' mode following a lawsuit accusing the company of misleading privacy levels.

Initiated in 2020, the lawsuit claimed Google tracked and collected personal data in Incognito mode, contrary to privacy claims.

Google commits to deleting contested data and enhancing transparency around its privacy policies, especially in Incognito mode.

The settlement is seen as a pivotal moment for tech companies in how they communicate privacy features and manage user data.

The agreement is celebrated by privacy proponents, highlighting a demand for clearer privacy protections and digital transparency.

In response, Google emphasizes its dedication to user privacy and secure data handling, promising more transparent data usage disclosures.

Google vows to improve the visibility of its privacy policies and inform users more clearly about data collection practices in Incognito mode.

This agreement underscores the importance of privacy protections and transparency, signaling a move towards stronger privacy measures and user-centric data policies in the tech sphere.

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