Elon Musk puts Twitter’s Blue Verified relaunch on hold

Image Source: gadgetsnow.com

Elon has postponed the relaunch of twitter's blue verified indefinitely, until there is a greater probability of stopping identity theft.

The initial release of Twitter Blue Verified or known as the “I-paid-Elon-$7.99” Blue Tick was a complete disaster.

The feature became favourable to assist bad actors in trying to impersonate celebrities, corporate entities, and political figures.

One user account tried to imitate the drug manufacturer Eli Lilly and was announcing that insulin is free in the name of the company. 

Elon Musk went on to say that Twitter will most likely use a check of a different colour for organisations than individuals.

Twitter has already experimented with using a grey official classification underneath high-profile accounts

Musk also discussed working to develop features such as encoded personal messages and videoconferencing in an intrinsic presentation termed Twitter 2.0.

Elon Musk claims that Twitter added 1.6 million monetizable customers, bringing the company’s total to 259.4 million.

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