Apple opens store on China’s WeChat platform

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According to Tencent, Apple has recently launched an online store on the popular Chinese app WeChat.

The store has been integrated into WeChat’s mini-programs, which are small applications within the platform that offer various services such as e-commerce, finance, and transportation.

Apple’s store on WeChat will feature a range of its products, including iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches, and Macs.

Apple also experimented with live commerce in China earlier this year, attempting to sell its products through interactive live streaming.

According to research firm Counterpoint, the iPhone 13 series dominated the top three spots in the list of best-selling phones in China in 2022.

Apple has been actively working to diversify its manufacturing operations by reducing its reliance on China.

Apple plans to shift 25% of its iPhone production to India and 20% of its iPad and Apple Watch production to Vietnam by 2025.

The launch of Apple’s online store on WeChat demonstrates the company’s commitment to reaching Chinese consumers through diverse channels and platforms

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