1Password will soon skip passwords in favor of passkeys

Image Source: engadget.com

The password vault 1Password will allow you to safeguard your password vault with a passkey.

A single password might be a vulnerability for a hacker attempting to access all of your accounts.

For passkeys to be the way forward, it’s not enough for them to replace some of your passwords.

Passkeys employ a method similar to hardware security keys, the most secure login technique available.

One must have a device like a smartphone or a computer that is registered with the application or service in order to utilize passkeys.

The second authentication step that the device does will probably be a biometric scan of one’s face or fingerprint.

Passkey support was added to iOS by Apple in 2022, and Google added it to Chrome in 2022.

Their benefits include blocking phishing attacks because they can’t be used on fake websites meant to trick users into providing personal information.

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