TietoEVRY: One of the Leading Digital Services and Software Company.

TietoEVRY Oyj aka Tieto is a Finland-based IT and software service company with its headquarters in Helsinki, Finland. The company is over fifty years old, having a company named EVRY added to it in 2019 with a EUR 1.2 Bn deal, hence becoming TietoEVRY. TietoEVRY is a conglomerate and provides services in the field of healthcare, industrial and consumer services, finance, etc. According to the company, it creates a digital advantage for businesses and society.

About The TietoEVRY

TietoEVRY has a history of over 50 years, and with multiple acquisitions, it has reached heights of success. The company is not only a leading software service provider in its home country but has expanded to over 20 other countries on all the continents. Finland, Norway and Sweden are the main markets where TietoEVRY is doing its business. Except that, it has established its offices in Germany, Denmark, Great Britain, Netherlands, Malaysia, India, China, and Poland, etc. Being a software company, it offers services to the banking industry, the insurance industry, telecom industry, automotive, media as well as the healthcare industry.
TietoEVRY trades on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki and Stockholm and has employed over 24000 people globally. As of 2020, the company made revenues worth €2.786 billion.

Image source: jobsnet.in

The Back Story

TietoEVRY started its operations as an IT systems development and maintenance company in 1968 in n Espoo, Finland, and went by the name Tietotehdas Oy. The company worked as the provider of computer services and software for the mainframe computers, Union Bank of Finland is one of its first customers. The company despite being a newbie started to grow at a rapid rate in its beginning years. The arrival of minicomputers helped the company grow to a great extent. In the late 70s and early 80s, the company added many customers from different industries.
The decade of the 90s was when TietoEVRY started to make acquisitions and was involved in multiple mergers and partnerships, resulting in even faster growth. In the mid of 90s, TietoEVRY had a name change to TT Tieto, and later in 1998, the company name was again changed to Tieto. This was the same time when the company also started to try new things and entered the Telecom business by acquiring Avancer.

The Growth Years

In 1999, Tieto merged its operations with the Swedish Enator corporation and formed TietoEnator. The partnership went on for about ten years, and in 2008, through a restructuring process, the company became Tieto Corporation, establishing its headquarters in Helsinki. With the all-new revamping of the company, it started to expand overseas, too.
In 2015, Tieto made some of the major acquisitions, to expand its business in the field of digital Customer Experience Management and to support, including Smilehous, one of the biggest Finnish consultants and service providers, Imano AB, and Software Innovation. These acquisitions have helped the company to grow in the field of digital Customer Experience Management, consulting, and digitalization services in paper and forestry industries as well as enterprise content management. In 2019, the company merged the operations of another IT company named Evry and formed TietoEVRY, the current trading name for the company.
DaWinci is one of the most popular management software from TietoEVRY, used by big-name companies from various industries for planning, transportation management, personnel logistics, asset management and reporting, etc. The company serves its customers from the field of banking, insurance, telecom, automotive and media, healthcare, forest, manufacturing, retail, and logistics, public; ICT operation management, etc. Tieto Norway AS (Norway) and Tieto Sweden AB (Sweden) are the major subsidieary of the TietoEVRY.

The CEO at TietoEVRY

Kimmo Alkio is the current CEO and the President of TietoEVRY. He is a native of Finland and was born on 25 October 1963 in Helsinki, Finland. He has got a bachelor’s degree in business from Texas A&M University, USA, and an Executive MBA degree from the Helsinki University of Technology, Finland.
Alkio is a renowned Finnish businessman. He is also a former professional Tennis Player and has won doubles titles in Helsinki in the period between 1981 to 1987. In his corporate career, Alkio has worked at companies like Nokia, F-Secure Corporation, Digital Equipment Corporation, and Compaq Computer in various management positions. Alkio joined TietoEVRY in 2011 as the CEO and the President.