Your Tech Story


Andy Bechtolsheim : German Electrical Engineer & a self-made Billionaire

Being a successful entrepreneur depends highly on an individual’s decision making and risk taking capability. Higher the risk, greater the reward. This has been said and written, over and over. If you read about businessmen, who are highly successful today, you will find the huge array of risks, these people have taken to reach where they are. Out of these risks, emerges many successful companies. A company that produces valuable products and employs thousands of people. One such risk taker, and now a billionaire, is Andy Bechtolsheim.

Early Life and Education

Andy was born on 30th September 1955, in Bavaria, Germany and was the second of the four children in the family. He spent the most of the time of his childhood between the electronics devices, as there was no television or children in the neighbour to play with. So he chose to keep himself busy and entertained with electronics.

At the age of 16, Andy designed an industrial controller that worked on Intel 8080. He programmed it in binary code as he didn’t have any access to assemblers. He made this controller primarily for a nearby company, who then further paid him royalties for the product. These royalties paid for Andy’s most of the education.

Andy Bechtolsheim
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When Andy was attending the Technical University of Munich to pursue engineering, he entered the Jugend forscht contest that was organised for the young researchers. He kept participating in the contest for three years and finally, in the third year i.e. in 1974, he won the physics prize.

Andy, further, went to Carnegie Mellon University in the USA, after he received the Fulbright Award, in 1975. In 1976, at the same university, he received his master’s degree in Computer Engineering. Later, he went to the Stanford University to earn his PhD in electrical engineering, in 1977.

Early Career

While his time at Stanford, Andy came across the Xerox Alto computer, developed at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center. Inspired by this computer, he designed a powerful workstation, which had a built-in networking, named as SUN workstation (taken from the initials of Stanford University Networking). This workstation gained him free access to the researches at Xerox Palo Alto. During the same time, Lynn Conway was developing Very Large Scale Integration circuits (VLSI).

Birth of Sun Microsystems

The VLSI was developed on the workstation made by Andy. One such company called Daisy systems was also into building computers for the VLSI design. A man named Vinod Khosla worked at Daisy systems, who would soon partner with Andy. Khosla graduated from Stanford Graduate School of Business just a couple years earlier than Andy. He was good friends with his classmate Scott McNealy who was the manager of manufacturing at Onyx Systems. These three people came together and developed a business plan for their first company. They also received funding in no time from the venture capitalists in 1982.

Andy with three others was joined by Bill Joy as the fourth member responsible for the development of BSD series of Unix OS. In the earlier days, Andy and Joy shared an apartment in Palo Alto. Sun Microsystems launched their first product named Sun-1. It included Stanford CPU board design with expanded memory and a protective metal sheet casing. The company went public in 1986 and reached $1 billion in sales by 1988. Andy also launched a cheaper desktop computer for educational market under his project SPARCstation. The computer was known as Campus.
Changing Companies.

He left Sun Microsystems in 1995, after working there for almost a decade. The same year he founded Granite Systems. A startup working to develop high-speed network switches. In 1966, when Andy owned about 60% of the company, Cisco acquired it for $220 million. After this deal, he also acquired the position of Vice President and General Manager of Cisco’s Gigabit Systems Business Unit.

After working for 8 years at Cisco, he left the job in 2003 and took the head position in Kealia, Inc. This was the company that Andy had founded back in 2001 along with a Stanford Professor named David Cheriton, also a partner in Granite Systems. Kealia worked on developing advanced server technologies using the Opteron processor from Advanced Micro Devices.

Andy was soon going to go back to where he started from. In the February of 2004, Sun Microsystems acquired Kealia, Inc., and Andy took the position of Vice President and Chief Architect in the company. He founded yet another company named Arastra which was renamed as Arista in 2005. The company was focused on developing high-speed networking. He left Sun and took Chairman and Chief Development Officer in Arista in October 2008.

Investment in Google

In the September of 1998, Andy and Cheriton decided to invest in the emerging search engine company Google. Both invested around $100,000 even before the company was founded and legally incorporated. His investment is now worth $1.6 billion.

Andy is known as the most successful investors in the electronics sector. He also invested in Magma Design Automation. His stake is valued at $60 million. He has invested in a number of startups and has been successful every time.


Andy received the Smithsonian Leadership Award for Innovation in 1999. He also received Stanford Entrepreneur Company of the Year award. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering.

Personal Life

Andy is not married and has not taken US citizenship. He continues to be a German and does not intend to change it. He lives in Palo Alto, California, US.

Sean Parker : The Co-founder of Napster

In the advancement of the tech world, the college dropouts have made their different place with their vision and intelligence. Whether it’s the founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, Michael Dell from Dell Technologies or Microsoft’s Bill Gates, they have proven that one’s intelligence and talent cannot be judged with a mere degree. Sean Parker an American entrepreneur and philanthropist have also followed their lead and have discarded the worth of a physical degree by his knowledge.

Early Life

Sean Parker was born on 3 December 1979, to Bruce Parker and Diane Parker in Herndon, Virginia. His father was a U.S. government oceanographer and mother was a TV advertising broker. As a kid, Sean was an avid reader and started learning computer programming from his father on an Atari 800 at an early age of 7. The exposure to programming grew his interest in hacking and at the age of 15, he hacked into the network of a Fortune 500 company. His IP address got tracked by FBI and as a result, being an under-age, he was sentenced to community service.

Sean Parker
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Parker did his High School from Fairfax County, Virginia and Chantilly High School. During his school, he used to spend most of his time in the computer labs learning new programming skills. During his final year of high school, he got an internship at Zynga, Pincus’s Washington D.C. and later, got employed at CIA, while he was still a teen. Until the completion of his school, he was earning enough to be able to decide to become an entrepreneur.


During his teenage, Parker met his future partner Shawn Fanning, and the two bonded with each other by their common interest- Hacking. After a few years, the two launched their startup as a free music file-sharing service Napster. At the time Parker was just 19 and he invested $50000 in their startup. Within the first year of its launch, Napster got millions of users, along with a few lawsuits by recording companies like Recording Industry Association of America. Even with the fastest growth of the company it got shut down in only two years.

In 2002, Sean founded Plaxo, a social networking tool that later got integrated into Microsoft Outlook. Plaxo also became viral in a short span of time, but this time Parker was driven out of his position in Plaxo by its investor over some argument.

Later, in 2004, Parker became familiar with a networking website The Facebook and managed to meet Mark Zuckerberg. After a few months of this meeting, he was appointed as the president of the 5-months old company. Sean played a pivotal role in creating the clean interface and the picture sharing features in Facebook. In 2005, he was arrested from a private party as the police founded cocaine in his rented house. After a few days, he was released from all the allegations, but, this brought a bad impact on the other investors and he had to resign from his post. Even after the resignation and the controversy, he has always been in touch with Mark Zuckerberg unofficially.

Being a music lover and after a bad experience with Napster, he got to know about Spotify and invested the US $15 million in it. Now he is serving as one of the board members of Spotify.

After investing in Spotify, he started a few new ventures like, Brigade and invested in other startups like Willcall, Quantcast, Path, and Knewton with its venture capital The Founders Fund based in San Francisco founded by Peter Thiel.

Donations and Charity

Sean Parker is associated with cancer research donations since 2005 and has created Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy, in April 2016, with a grant of $250 million. He has donated $24 million to create the Sean N. Parker Center for Allergy Research at Stanford and $5 million grant to Stand Up to Cancer and the Cancer Research Institute. His foundation focuses on three areas: Life Sciences, Global Public Health and Civic Engagement.

Parker has got an interest in the politics and has also funded both sides of US political parties and spoke in favour of rich people paying higher texas. He has also been a part of many political campaigns and has supported them financially.

Personal Life

Sean got engaged to Alexandra Lenas, a singer-songwriter and the two got married in 2013. Their wedding was based on lord of rings theme and created news as it cost more than $10 million. The two have a daughter named Winter Victoria Parker and a son named Zephyr Emerson Parker.

He was featured on the cover of the Forbes 400 issue in 2011 and was ranked number 722 in the Forbe’s list of the world’s billionaires in 2016.

Morris Chang: The Father of Taiwan’s Chip Industry

China is known as the major manufacturer of electronics all over the globe. The reason is simple, it is blessed with leaders, who have worked hard to be ahead of everyone else and took the sole responsibility, to make their company as well as China, the leader of electronics manufacturers. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) is the world’s first and biggest silicon foundry. The company became what it is today only because of the leader who served it for 30 years – Morris Chang.

Early Life

Born on 10th July 1931, in Ningbo, Chekiang, China, Morris Chang is the founder, former chairman and CEO of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company. His father was an official in the Yin county government. Chang’s life’s ambition was to become a novelist or a journalist. But his father persuaded him to take up something else.

In 1948, Chang moved to Hong Kong at the age of 17, as it was the peak time of the Chinese Civil War. Just the next year the People’s Republic of China was established. In 1949, Chang moved to the United States to study at Harvard University. Later on, he transferred to Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he completed his bachelors and master’s degree in mechanical engineering.


In 1955, just after graduating, Chang landed his first job in the industry in Sylvania Semiconductor in the United States. After working for three years, in Sylvania Semiconductor he moved to Texas Instruments, in 1958. Chang spent the next 25 years of his life in this company. While working at TI, he learned everything about semiconductors and made advancements in it. He referred to these years as ‘youth of semiconductors’.

Morris Chang
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After his continuous hard work, Chang received a promotion in TI. He became the manager of the engineering section in 1961, i.e. just after three years of his joining the job at TI. Looking at his potential, Texas Instruments decided to invest a bit more in Chang and gave him the opportunity to obtain his PhD. He went to Stanford University and received his PhD in electrical engineering in 1964. He finally rose up to the rank of Vice President and took the responsibility of TI’s worldwide semiconductor business. During his time at TI, Chang worked on the four-transistor project, for which, IBM was handling the manufacturing unit. He also brought forward the idea of pricing semiconductors at low costs to gain larger profits in the long term.

Chang left Texas Instruments in 1983, and later, became the president and chief operating officer of General Instrument Corporation, from 1984-85. He left GIC and got a proposal from the government of the Republic of China for the post of chairman and president of Industrial Technology Research Institute. He accepted the proposal and set out to change the whole course of science and technology development in Taiwan.

Morris Chang was responsible to promote industrial and technological development in Taiwan. He used his decades of experience and founded TSMC, in 1987. This was the time when big companies considered outsourcing the manufacturing capabilities to Asia. Chang’s visionary aim became successful, as TSMC became the leading semiconductor foundry. It acquires 50% of the total global market share. Its major customers include Apple, Qualcomm, Nvidia, and Intel. TSMC became the profitable and biggest chip makers in the world.

Chang’s vision was clear and, that was not to pivot the direction of the company. It will always be a pure play foundry and will never compete with its customers. Chang retired from ITRI, in 1994 and took the position of chairman at Vanguard International Semiconductor Corporation the same year till 2003. He continued to serve as the chairman of TSMC. In 2005, Chang handed the CEO position to Rick Tsai, but, returned back again in June 2009.

Morris Chang announced his retirement from the company on June 5, 2018, but had already planned the future of the company. The new CEO of the company would be C.C.Wei and the chairman position would be filled in by Mark Liu.

Personal Life

Chang won many accolades due to his leadership quality and achieving great heights of success. Forbes magazine named Morris Chang as one of the most visionary leaders in the world. After retiring from his service, which took the electronics industry to next level, Chang wants to spend time with his family. He lives with his wife Sophie Chang and three children.

Vector: Anki’s New Smart Home Robot

Vector Robot
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Artificial Intelligence has inspired many Sci-fi Hollywood films. This time you can say that Anki (Robots and Artificial Intelligence Products manufacturing company) has been inspired by a fictional robot from the science fiction Star Wars. After Anki Drive and Cozmo, Anki has launched its new home robot named Vector which is quite similar to the fictional robot Droid in the movie Star Wars.

Vector is said to be as the elder sibling of Cozmo as it has got additional features. Like Cozmo, it is a tiny robot that can fit into your palm. Vector is like a home robot that will roam around and will give you the feel of a pet. This tiny robot is launched on 8 August 2018, on Kickstarter. It costs near $249 and will be available at a discount for the early buyers. The early-buyer campaign will start on 6 September and will last till 30 September. Vector is on the costly side as Cozmo priced $180, as it is smarter than Cosmo.

1) Look and Size: Vector is a small robot having a height of three inches and can easily fit into your palm. It has got an arm through which it can lift lightweight objects and can respond to your commands. It is so small that sometimes you can miss it on the floor, so it must be allowed to wander on the table or shelves to avoid any kind of damage.

2) No Device Connected: You just need to connect Vector with wifi and rest is on its own. It does not need any tethering device to control it. It is equipped with the 1.2GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon processor and is fully autonomous.

3) Designed to Learn: Vector is self-sufficient as it is designed to learn. It is must be kept on all the time so that it walk around and examine things. It will go to the new things it sees, look at them, will try to push and will investigate to know more about them.

4) Functionality: This tiny robot uses its four microphones to figure out the commands, and responds in its robotic voice. With the help of its 120-degree HD camera, it captures the faces and can recognise them later. It can call your name and will respond to your hello. You can ask it about the weather or about some new and it will give you the right answers.

Vector is smarter, yet has got an emotional quotient, as it was designed in the way that people focus on its personality, more than its functionality. Vector can behave like your pet and will play around with you just like Coszmo does. It is respondent to its owner and whirls around when called by him. Also with its touch sensors, it recognises the touch of its owner. It can also make direct eye contact with its high-resolution IPS display that gives a lively feel to its activities. It has got tank-like tread to walk and is rounded out by a 6-Axis IMU.

All in all, Vector is a complete package of a home robot that will roam around and gives you the feel of a companion around you. The robot will be shipped in the October of this year to the backers and its official release date will be October 12, 2018.

Features of Freshly Launched Samsung Galaxy Note 9

Samsung Galaxy Note 9
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After the launch of Android Pie on 7 August 2018, now Samsung has come up with the launch of its flagship Smartphone, addition to its Samsung Galaxy 9 family. The smartphone was launched at the Barclays Center in New York. The online booking of the phone is already started and will be available in the market from the 24 August 2018. It is the last member of the Samsung Galaxy 9 family and costlier than the previous editions of the Samsung phones. The cost for the 128GB / 6GB RAM model will start from $999 (Appro. INR 68000) and 512GB / 8GB RAM version for $1,250. (Appro. INR 86000) Yes, you read it right. I don’t know what attracted your attention more the price or space, but both are too high. Along with the increased space, Samsung has launched its new baby with the following features added to it:

Look, Size & Color: The new Samsung Galaxy Note 9 is quite a colourful range including Midnight Black, Metallic Copper, Ocean Blue, and Lavender Purple. The famous S Pens of the Note series are of the same colours as the phone, except the Ocean Blue phone is having a yellow stylus. Now talking about the look of the phone, likewise, Note 9 is no different than the Galaxy 8 and 9 series which is a disappointment, but, the size of this phone is little bigger comparatively.

Camera Added With New AI Features: Except the new AI features embedded in it, its camera is no different from the Note S9 camera. It still has the 8-megapixel selfie camera, with the dual 12-megapixel camera on the back. But AI has enabled it to detect what you actually need to capture and bring that thing into focus. It has also got a Flaw Detection feature that prompts when there is a flaw in the captured image, like the blink of the eye. Also, it has got a scene optimizer to adjust the white balance, saturation and contrast. Also, it can identify 20 scenarios like snowflakes, fire, food, pets, sunsets, plants, cityscapes, etc.

Bluetooth Stylus: The Note 9 SPen is all similar to the other SPens of the Note series with an addition of Bluetooth to it. With the help of the Bluetooth, the Stylus is turned into a remote control which can be used to click pictures, slide the presentations, play/pause your music apps and also, you can use it to open any app by creating a shortcut for the apps.

DeX software embedded to Note 9: Now this time the DeX software resides inside the Note 9 phone itself, so you can connect the phone to monitor independently using a USB, for the desktop-experience without a dock.

Samsung has claimed to replace the laptops with their Galaxy Note 9 by including with a high-performance processor, Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor and battery is also bigger than before i.e. 4,000-mAh. The position of its Fingerprint reader has also moved to below the camera whereas it was on the side of the camera in the S8 and S9 series. Samsung Galaxy Note 9 will be the last of its series as Samsung has announced the launch of Galaxy S10 by the month of March next year. Till then Note 9 will be their latest innovation of 2018. Though it is on the high end due to its price maybe it will be able to grab customers with its new features.