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Is AI getting better at mind-reading?

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has made significant advances in recent years, but it’s important to note that AI does not possess a “mind” in the same way humans do. Therefore, the term “mind-reading” is not an accurate description of AI capabilities.

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However, AI can be trained to predict and infer human behavior and thoughts to a certain extent by analyzing patterns and data. For example, machine learning algorithms can be trained to recognize facial expressions and body language, and infer the emotions and mental states of individuals.

Also Read: Amazon is working to boost the capability of Alexa. Here’s how

Consider the phrases that are running through your mind: that tasteless joke you, wisely, kept to yourself at dinner; your unspoken opinion of your closest friend’s new partner. Now picture someone listening in. University of Texas at Austin researchers took another move in that direction on Monday.

An artificial intelligence (A.I.) that might interpret the private thoughts of human beings was detailed in a study that was released in the journal Nature Neuroscience. The A.I. did this by examining fMRI scans, which assess the flow of blood to various parts of the brain.

Researchers have already created language-decoding techniques to recognize speech attempts made by persons who are mute and to enable paralyzed people to write simply by thinking about writing. However, the new language decoder is among the first to do so without the use of implants.

When respondents watched silent films as part of the study, it was capable to produce fairly accurate accounts of what was occurring onscreen and turn a person’s mental phrases into actual speech.

Three volunteers, who spent 16 hours over many days in Dr. Huth’s lab listening to “The Moth” and other narrative podcasts, were the focus of the study. An fMRI scanner monitored the blood oxygen levels in various regions of their brains while they were listening.

The brain activity patterns were then compared to the words and sentences the subjects had heard using a comprehensive language model.

According to Osaka University neuroscientist Shinji Nishimoto, “Brain activity is a kind of encrypted signal, and language models provide ways to decipher it.” Using another A.I. to convert the participant’s fMRI images into words and sentences, Dr. Huth and his colleagues successfully reversed the process in their study.

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The participants listened to fresh recordings while the researchers evaluated the decoder to assess the degree to which the translation resembled the genuine transcript. Though nearly every word in the decoded script was misplaced, the passage’s meaning was frequently kept intact. The decoders were effectively summarising.

Additionally, participants were able to mask their internal monologues by diverting their attention away from the decoder. A.I. may be able to read our minds, but for the time being it will need our consent and will need to read each thought individually.


IBM to pause hiring in the plan to replace 7,800 jobs with AI

Due to ChatGPT’s growth, artificial intelligence is currently the hottest subject in technology. The Microsoft-powered OpenAI chatbot’s use of AI to respond to queries, generate articles, and even present legal arguments has astounded and amazed users as well as big companies like IBM.

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Due to its abilities, people are now more concerned than ever about how, when, and whether artificial intelligence will affect their jobs and career. While worries about AI-based technology replacing workers have grown, professionals say it’s not as simple as it seems.

 The answer to the question that if AI going to replace certain jobs is certainly a “yes”.

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According to Steven Miller, information systems retired professor, at Singapore Management University, improvements in artificial intelligence imply that machines can accomplish more and more, which will undoubtedly have an influence on jobs.

“As physical machines, software systems, and combinations of hardware and software get more capable as a result of AI-enablement, it is increasingly possible as well as economically viable to replace a greater share of the portions of the human work of today with machines,” he told CNBC Make It.


Certain positions, as stated by Steven Miller, are more prone to this compared to others, such as those that require a lot of repeated phrases or that are reliant on specific rules or regulations that define how a thing is supposed to be done.

On the other hand, since they vary so frequently, it is more challenging for technology to replace tasks that need adaptability and flexibility.

Amidst these discussions of the impact of artificial intelligence on the job cuts, IBM has created an uproar in the industry by saying that it would replace about 7800 jobs with AI in the coming years.

Arvind Krishna, CEO of International Business Machines Corporation, claimed that the company expects to halt hiring since 7,800 job positions may be replaced by artificial intelligence (AI) in the years to come.

According to Krishna, recruitment in back-office areas like human resources (HR) will stop or slow down. He also predicted that in the next five years, artificial intelligence (AI) and automation could take over 30 percent of positions that don’t need customer interaction.

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His remarks come at a moment in which AI has captured the attention of people all across the world with the November 2016 debut of ChatGPT, a popular chatbot developed by OpenAI with funding from Microsoft Corp.

The PC manufacturer told the publication that part of the decrease might involve not filling positions left vacant by attrition.

IBM did not quickly reply to a Reuters request for comment.


Did the U.K. Just Kill the Microsoft-Activision Blizzard Deal?

In response to concerns that it would impede competition in the rapidly expanding cloud gaming business, British regulators on Wednesday rejected Microsoft $69 billion acquisition of video game developer Activision Blizzard. This prevented the largest tech deal in history.

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In its final report, the Competition and Markets Authority stated that “the only effective remedy” for the significant loss of competition “is to prohibit the Merger.” The organizations intend to file an appeal.

Due to concerns that Microsoft would gain control of well-known game franchises like Call of Duty, World of Warcraft, and Candy Crush, rival Sony vigorously opposed the all-cash transaction, and regulators in the United States and Europe closely examined it.

Also Read: Amazon is working to boost the capability of Alexa. Here’s how

Concerns raised by the U.K. watchdog centered on how the transaction might impact competitiveness in cloud gaming, which involves streaming games to smartphones, tablets, and other devices. Players no longer need to purchase pricey consoles and gaming laptops as a result.

According to Martin Colman, chair of the Competition and Markets Authority’s independent expert panel looking into the agreement, cloud gaming has the potential to transform the industry by offering players more flexibility over how and where they play. In this new and fascinating sector, he continued, “It is critical that we protect competition.”

The transaction still has our full support, and we will appeal, stated President Brad Smith in a statement. The watchdog’s judgment, according to him, “rejects a pragmatic path to address competition concerns” and deters tech investment and innovation in the UK.

Smith stated, “We’re especially disappointed that, after a lengthy decision, this decision appears to reflect a flawed understanding of this market and the way the relevant cloud technology actually works.” Likewise, Activision retaliated, stating that it will “work aggressively with Microsoft to reverse this on appeal.”

Last month, regulators raised their objections to the agreement, stating that it wouldn’t be advantageous for Microsoft to restrict Call of Duty to its Xbox gaming platform. The agency said on Wednesday that it had looked “in considerable depth” at Microsoft’s suggestions to allay competition worries, but that it had concluded that those remedies would necessitate its supervision, whereas blocking the merger would enable cloud gaming to evolve naturally.

Regulators came to the conclusion that if the acquisition went through, it would strengthen Microsoft’s edge by giving it ownership over important game franchises, given its dominant standing in the cloud computing sector.

Late last year, the US Federal Trade Commission filed a lawsuit to stop the agreement between Microsoft and Activision Blizzard. The FTC action is still in the document discovery phase, and a hearing to present evidence is set for August 2.


Amazon is working to boost the capability of Alexa. Here’s how

Amazon Alexa, the voice-activated assistant, has quickly become a household name since its debut in 2014. It has evolved from a simple device that could answer basic questions to a fully-fledged platform that can control smart homes, plays music, set reminders, order groceries, and more.

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But Amazon is not stopping there. The company is working on boosting the capability of Alexa even further in several ways. Amazon CEO Andy Jassy revealed Monday that the company is developing a more “generalized and capable” large language model (LLM) to support Alexa.

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Although Alexa has been powered by an LLM from Amazon, according to Jassy, the tech giant is currently developing a new LLM that will be more powerful. Jassy is certain that the addition of a better LLM will aid Amazon in its mission to create “the world’s best personal assistant,” but he also noted that it will be challenging to do so across a variety of fields.

“Large Language Model” (LLM) refers to a type of artificial intelligence technology that is used to process and analyze natural language data. Large Language Models are a type of deep learning model that uses neural networks to process large amounts of text data and generate outputs, such as text or speech.

Some examples of LLMs include OpenAI’s GPT series, Google’s BERT, and Facebook’s Roberta. These models are trained on massive datasets, often consisting of billions of words, in order to learn patterns and relationships in language. They use this knowledge to perform a variety of natural language processing tasks, such as language translation, sentiment analysis, and text generation.

LLMs have a wide range of applications, from language translation and sentiment analysis to chatbots and voice assistants. They are particularly useful in situations where a large amount of text data needs to be processed quickly and accurately.

Jassy emphasized that while Amazon has had years to invest in AI and LLMs, small businesses do not have the resources to do so, which is why the business released Bedrock earlier last month.

By using pre-trained models from firms like AI21 Labs, Anthropic, and Stability AI, Bedrock offers a method to create generative AI-powered applications. Bedrock also provides access to Titan FMs (foundation models), a collection of models that AWS has internally trained and is available in a “limited preview.”

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ChatGPT has taken over the internet and grown in popularity since its debut last year. Given the hype associated with ChatGPT, it should come as little surprise that top technology businesses are attempting to improve their own products using LLM in order to keep up with the rapidly evolving AI market.

The Information stated recently that Apple is creating Siri upgrades based on LLM. Google is probably taking similar steps with Assistant.


Meta wins back Wall Street with AI promises

The stock price of Meta increased 11 percent on Thursday as a result of investors’ enthusiasm, which has already helped the social network’s stock almost double in worth during the past twelve months.

Meta’s concentration on artificial intelligence, as well as cost-cutting, also helped the shares of the organization continue their winning streak & win Wall Street’s support back.

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If premarket gains hold, the value of Meta on the market will increase by approximately sixty billion dollars. The gain also helped other tech firms, from Snapchat and Pinterest to Amazon, rise by as much as 3.3 percent.

Also Read: Amazon sees cloud slowdown in April, shares erase gains

“If you want to be treated and valued like a growth stock, you need growth! And this is precisely what Meta delivered returning to growth … just as questions around a potential recession get louder,” Bernstein analyst Mark Shmulik said in a note.


Shmulik was one of the 27 analysts who increased Meta’s price target, bringing the average estimate up to 270 USD and adding almost 30 percent to the supply’s increase over the course of the year, leading profits across Tech Giant Firms.

The latest indication that American technology firms were emerging from a downturn that has resulted in a large number of layoffs was the fact that Meta surpassed estimates for first-quarter revenue and profit, which increased for the first time in almost a year’s time.

The outcomes also highlighted the growing significance of AI, according to CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who claimed the technology was assisting in increasing traffic to both Facebook and Instagram as well as ad revenue.

“We believe AI has played a crucial role in shifting Meta from showing a more limited set of friends, family, and followed content to an almost unlimited set of recommended content now available in Reels and Feed,” J.P. Morgan analysts said.

“Year of efficiency paves the way to AI offense,” Roth MKM’s Rohit Kulkarni said.


Also Read: OpenAI rolls out ‘incognito mode’ on ChatGPT

The firm, which has undergone a number of costly restorations to support its main business, is no more lagging in developing its artificial intelligence infrastructure, according to Zuckerberg.

To determine whether to support a business, both professional investors and individual financers consider a variety of factors. Others examine yearly reports or speak with senior management while others simply stare at charts.

But more and more, they are all hearing the same thing, IT is an important part of a company’s value.


Amazon sees cloud slowdown in April, shares erase gains Inc. gave a warning on Thursday that its long, soaring growth in cloud services would slow down even more as its business clients braced for uncertainty and cut back on spending, dominating the company’s exceedingly strong quarterly revenue and profit.

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On the strength of its optimistic assessment of customer sentiment and the fact that it was holding its own against cloud competitors, Amazon’s stock originally gained over $125 billion in extended trading, only to see the whole gain disappear in just a couple of minutes.

Also Read: OpenAI rolls out ‘incognito mode’ on ChatGPT

Following comments from Chief Financial Officer Brian Olsavsky, who informed analysts that cloud customers continued to try to reduce their bills as of the second quarter of the year and that Amazon was assisting them in doing so to foster long-term relationships, the share price fell.

Accordingly, he said, referencing a period that saw a consecutive decline, growth rates in revenue were approximately five percent lower in April than they were in the first quarter.

Now, shares are down 2%. The unexpected rise and collapse of Amazon are indications of a hazardous time for the business. Andy Jassy, CEO of Amazon, has vowed to reduce expenditure across the company’s wide range of operations in response to what he has dubbed an unpredictable environment.

Amazon is also dealing with a growing threat from its cloud competitors Microsoft and Google, both of whom are releasing prominent artificial intelligence products.

The cost reductions are extensive. Since November, Amazon has intended to eliminate 27,000 corporate positions. As of the most recent quarter, 1.47 million full- and part-time employees, including those working in warehouses, made up its workforce.

The company is also discontinuing all of its services, including its Halo fitness trackers. Its nationwide fulfillment operation has been reorganized. With a loss of $3.84 billion a year earlier, these initiatives helped Amazon turn a $3.17 billion profit in the quarter that concluded on March 31. However, this did little to entice investors.

An analyst at Huntington National Bank named David Klink described the company’s cloud delay as “tremendous.” “You’re not seeing (that) at either Microsoft or Google,” said Klink, whose bank held $129 million in Amazon stock as of Thursday.

Amazon Cloud, also known as Amazon Web Services (AWS), is a cloud computing platform offered by Amazon. It provides a wide range of cloud-based services to businesses, organizations, and individuals.

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These services include computing power, database storage, content delivery, and other functionality that can be used to build and scale applications.

AWS is one of the leading cloud computing providers in the world, offering a highly scalable, flexible, and secure infrastructure that can be used to build and deploy applications of all sizes. It is used by millions of customers across a wide range of industries, including healthcare, finance, government, and education.