
Synopsys – Changing The Way Companies Work And Play

Advanced silicone chips and increasing software content working together intelligently and securely are at the core of this new era of digital innovation. Synopsys leads Smart Everything with the most advanced chip design and verification technologies worldwide, IP integration and security software, and quality testing.

Synopsys technology allows major firms to integrate their next-generation products into smarts, safety, and safety. They help our clients reach new energy, speed, connection, mobility, and reliability goals from silicone through to software that is vital to Smart Everything’s future.

The Establishment Of Synopsys

In 1986 in the Research Triangle Park in North Carolina, Synopsys was founded by Aart J de Geus and David Gregory. The company was initially founded as Optimal Solutions, a charter designed and produced by the General Electric team to develop and commercialize synthesis technologies. Over the history of Synopsys, they acquired a number of key acquisitions in silicon and design testing. CoWare, which now belongs to Synopsys, was a supplier of platform-driven software and services for electronic systems (ESL) design. CoWare has operations worldwide, main R&D offices in Belgium, Germany, and India. CoWare has its headquarters at its offices in San Jose, Calif.

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In 1992, the Interuniversity Microelectronics Center (IMEC) in Belgium launched CoWare development as an internal project. As an independent firm, CoWare split out in 1996. Synopsys announced a purchase of CoWare on February 8, 2010.

Products and Solutions

Designing The Best Chips Quicker

Synopsys is the world’s leading supplier of solutions for the development and verification of advanced silicon chips as well as the design of new processes and models for the production of these chips. Their design technologies enhance productivity and deliver the highest quality while optimizing the power, performance, and cost chips. The verification technology cuts months off project plans by allowing complex chips to be verified with software more quickly.

Providing Security Faster

In every level of software development and the whole supply chain, Synopsys helps companies integrate security and quality in the DNA of their software code. It helps in reducing risks while maximizing application development speeds. The customer may identify and solve vulnerabilities and deficiencies in proprietary code, open-source, and application behavior at an unprecedented depth, accuracy, and speed using our statical analysis, software composition analysis, and dynamic analysis solutions. They assist organizations with early and regularly testing their software so that costly product crashes, security violations, and system disasters can be avoided. In order to verify compliance with licenses, correct vulnerabilities, and decrease operational risk, they also automate the securing and management of open-source software.

The Founder of Synopsys: Aart de Geus

Aart has been developing Synopsys from a start-up synthesis company to a global high-tech leader ever since its co-founding in 1986. He has been a global leader in logic synthesis and simulation for many years and often leads important conferences in electronics and design automation.

Dr. de Geus has been widely recognized for his technical, business, and community achievements with multiple awards including Electronic Business Magazine’s “CEO of the Year,” the IEEE Robert N. Noyce Medal, the GSA Morris Chang Exemplary Leadership Award, the Silicon Valley Engineering Council Hall of Fame Award, and the SVLG Lifetime Achievement Award. He served on the Silicon Valley Leadership Group boards, the Applied Materials Alliance, the Global Semiconductor Alliance, and the Alliance for the Design of Electronic Systems.

Chi-Foon Chan: The Co-CEO of Synopsys

Chi-Foon is responsible for vision and strategy building, directing the company, and ensuring excellence in execution supporting the success of our clients. As President and COO of the Company, he was responsible for internal operations and worldwide field organizations 14 years prior to his 2012 appointment as President and CEO.

As Vice President for Applications and Services, Chi-Foon joined Synopsys in 1990, helping to construct the organization of the Technical Field. He supported many significant projects such as IP entry, and facilitated significant acquisitions personally, such as Avanti, Virage Logic, Magma Design Automation, and SpringSoft. In 2014, with Coverity and the acquisition of Codenomicon, he drove Synopsys into the software testing business and into the software security business.

Prior to Synopsys, Chi-Foon was responsible for marketing all NEC chip devices in North America to industry leaders such as NEC Corporation, which was General Manager of the microprocessor group. Before NEC, he was Intel Corporation’s Engineering Manager. He has an M.S. and a Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University in Computer Engineering and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Rutgers.