Inventec Corporation

Inventec Corporation – A Taiwan-based Computer Hardware Company That is one of the Largest Exporters in China.

China is one of the biggest exporters of electronics and computer hardware across the globe. There are several companies that have made a strong market presence over the past few decades and Inventec Corporation is one of them. Founded in 1975, Inventec is a Taiwan-based publicly traded company based in Taipei. Kou-I Yeh founded the company and currently serves as President of the Inventec Group.

About Inventec Corporation

Inventec is a leading manufacturer of computers, notebooks, telephones, and servers. With the advent of the 21st century, the company is exploring opportunities in cloud computing and wireless communication. Inventec is also investing in IoT and not to mention artificial intelligence-based devices. Evolution is very important for any company to stay in the market and deliver what is latest to the audience. Two of the primary concepts of Inventec for its business are to maintain quality and keep an open mind.

In this digital age, there are currently three main goals that Inventec is trying to achieve. First, open research centers for AI, Industry 4.0, and 5G communication technology. Second, focus on four important fields of servers, smart devices, smart homes, and IoT. Last but not least expanding business in the healthcare and automation sector such that there is room for long-term development.

Inventec Corporation
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History of the Company

Born in 1975 with a capital of $1 million, Inventec made impressive growth in the first decade of its business. In 1987, the company was awarded the “PIP Optimal Growth Partner Award” by SEARS. The same year, Inventec made it to the top 20 list of companies recognized as national export excellent manufacturers. In 1988, Inventec’s IPO was approved and it started making plans to expand overseas. The company eventually started manufacturing notebook laptop computers and other hardware products. In 1989, Inventec Besta was established as an independent subsidiary for producing electronic dictionaries. Inventec also started manufacturing phone fax machines via Inventec Electronics.

In the early 1990s, the company went on a partnership with TIM Electronics and Toshiba Co to manufacture communication products. It also received the excellent manufacturer award given by Texas Instruments in 1991. Inventec has its biggest market in China but apart from that the company also invested in opening new units in Hong Kong. In China, it has more than one operating and manufacturing unit including Beijing, Tianjin, Nanking, etc. As Inventec rolled out the reading electronic dictionary, it won the Taiwan Boutique Award in 1984.

Sales and Expansion

Inventec was majorly responsible for manufacturing computer notebooks and in 2000 it manufactured four million units of the same for Compaq Computers. These notebook computers bagged the Best Buy Award from PC World. Some of the other major clients who did business with Inventec are Hewlett Packard company IEC Technologies. In 2008, the annual sales of the company summed up to more than $10 billion. As the sale and annual revenue kept increasing by several folds, the company also established plenty of R&D facilities for better quality products and more innovation.

Inventec also became famous for its social responsibility and bagged the Corporate Social Responsibility Award by Global Views Magazine in 2009. The same year, the company also became the recipient of the “Carbon Reduction Model Enterprise Award” by the government. So far, Inventec has been awarded uncountable awards for both its performance and sustainability.

Important people of Inventec Corporation

Tom Cho is the current Chairman of the Inventec Corporation and he focuses on achieving the first goal of Inventec, i.e., incorporating new AI trends, 5G technology, and Industry 4.0 for the company’s growth. Cho graduated from National Taiwan University with a degree in Electrical Engineering. In 1985, he became a part of Inventec and worked primarily in multimedia, telecom, and other subsidiaries.

Maurice Wu is the working President of Inventec Corporation and he joined the company in 1980. For the last 30 years, he has continuously led the company towards bigger success and innovation. Maurice focuses more on the sustainable goals of the company and he also has experience in manufacturing, product development, and management.