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The Journey of Pixabay Founders – Hans and Simon are helping the people to get Royalty-Free Images

This digital age has become really about visuals. Getting good images for everything you put on the Internet is a must to catch the attention of the visitors. It has become a need for every content creator and entrepreneur. If you copy images from the internet, you might face a lot of complications if the real owners take an objection against you. There are several websites/apps available to give you royalty-free images. One of the most famous of such tools is Pixabay. 

The Pixabay is an app and site that facilitates accessing and managing over 600k+ images and videos on users’ devices. The community on this app has user-donated copyright and royalty-free images that can be used by anyone without credit. 

How Pixabay Came Into Picture?

Hans Braxmeier and Simon Steinberger started their first web project called pagewizz.com where people can write articles/blogs on different topics with related images. They found that many users put copyrighted images from Google and that’s how they got an idea to launch Pixabay.com to give free images to their users. 

As it was created with the intention of providing quality images to people for their blogs, and other types of content without worrying about the copyrights, it gained popularity rapidly. Also, it provides a great platform for professionals and laypersons to share their work with the community. They get all the deserved praises and recognition from the other users.


Hans Braxmeier, Co-Founder and CEO of Pixabay

Hans Braxmeier is currently living in Switzerland. He studied computer science in Ulm (Germany) and did some web projects initially. He is personally interested in photography and that’s how he made his passion out of it. Hans is also interested in various new technologies. In fact, he is really fascinated with the new cameras being launched nowadays. 

Hans Braxmeier
Image Source: Google Images

To keep himself engaged and creative, he prefers learning something new every day. He thinks that a day should have more than 24 hours so that he will get more time to learn new things. 

His own interest in photography made him work for Pixabay passionately. He loves to be outside and shoot everything he sees in his surroundings. Hans’s profile on Pixabay is an example of how creative he is. His profile is full of landscapes, artistic images, and natural snaps. 

He specifically had no mentor in his overall journey. His main source of learning new things was always the internet. With his projects, he learned the most.

Simon Steinberger, Co-Founder, CEO of Pixabay

Simon Steinberger is Hans’s partner in launching Pixabay.com. He studied chemistry in the same university in which Hans studied (Ulm, Germany) and finished his Ph.D. in 2011. In this span, he started working in the IT sector and developed various websites. Other than this interest, he enjoys rock climbing, mountain biking, and some adventurous fun. 

Simon Steinberger
Image Source: Google

Simon thinks that the best motivation for growing Pixabay day by day is how useful it is getting for users all over the world. His view of photography is quite different than Hans. He believes that photography is a really special art and they get very diversified results in Pixabay. People all over the world put up their images on the site and it amazes him a lot. He is also fascinated by the new generation cameras and their features which help their users create amazing images. 

His main focus is Pixabay but he is also working on some mobile apps for iOS and Android. 

Unlike Hans, Simon has an idol, Mark Zuckerberg. He thinks Mark is passionate about what he is doing than the money he is getting. That’s how Simon sees himself and Hans.

Simon likes the fact that he is free to do whatever he wants with this career choice and that’s what he likes the most about his job.

Bottom Line

Hans and Simon give major goals about how small projects can grow if they help people in the right way. Pixabay is helping a lot of people in creating amazing blogs and sites with no worries for the attribution.