Facebook Adds Petition Feature to its Feed, to Focus on the “Things” that Really Matters
The Facebook page feature has made people create their business pages, and due to ease of accessibility, many government organisations also have created their own FB pages, where they regularly post news and other daily important announcements.

Now as FB has been a powerful platform to gather people for some real potential topics too, starting from today, FB is rolling out a new Community Action feature on it, to help people request a change from their local officials and government.
Tech Crunch reported on Sunday, “Community Actions will be a petition feature in Facebook’s News Feed and reach users in the US on Tuesday and other markets later.”
With the help of this petition feature, people will be able to initiate an agenda and can discuss the same with a wide community to gather support from other people too. They can even tag the local authorities to attract their attention to the subject matter.
People can create a proper post having a title, image, description, related to that topic, and others can press the support button as the patron to the agenda. They can also organise fundraisers as well as events with the same feature, and the people can discuss the agenda in the comment section of the post.
Although Facebook already supported similar features before, this time it is entirely focussed on involving the major social concerns relating to the government. The extended the support to the petition the higher the chances of getting the government to the matter sooner.
Facebook right now is working on how to make this feature more authentic and not absurd, so that the real issues will get the attention instead of some fake news or some random stuff. Although the petition might not be able to cause big agendas and tag the President, people can get the state representatives to see through the issue. The feature is currently available to the US citizens only. Facebook has reported that it did a few rounds of testing with the feature and till now, it has done quite well.

Yashica is a Software Engineer turned Content Writer, who loves to write on social causes and expertise in writing technical stuff. She loves to watch movies and explore new places. She believes that you need to live once before you die. So experimenting with her life and career choices, she is trying to live her life to the fullest.