Dubber Corporation

Dubber Corporation – All Three Co-Founders Came Up With The Idea While Working In Call Center.

Dubber Corporation was founded in 2011 by three friends. It is a publicly-traded company with its headquarters based in Melbourne, Australia. Dubber offers cloud-based solutions mainly called recording software across various industries. Various types of products are developed by the company not only for various industries but also for the government.

It has a customized range of solutions for large as well as small and medium enterprises. Four main sectors where Dubber is a leading provider of recording software are healthcare, education, financial services, and legal department. The solutions provided by the company are also divided into four categories, namely, compliance intelligence, revenue intelligence, people intelligence, and customer intelligence.

About Dubber Corporation

The founders of Dubber Corporation are James Slaney, Steve McGovern, and Adrian Di Piantrantonio. Dubber predominantly sells its products to Telecommunications Service Providers and Enterprise customers. It is one of the world’s leading companies for unified call recording solutions and voice intelligence clouds. Dubber has a SaaS model for selling its cloud-based software and it is incorporated in many networks communication solutions globally. Dubber has formed only a decade ago and today more than 150 service providers are using its software for call recording and many other purposes.

The company has also crossed the mark of recording more than one billion minutes successfully. Some of the biggest clients of Dubber are Verizon, AT&T, Microsoft Teams, Cox, Zoom, Vodafone, etc. Dubber Corporation has five fundamental values to establish an open and inclusive culture and grow in a strong way. They are to
challenge the status quo, leading together to create more opportunities, a champion service provider for the customers, drive extraordinary performance, and grow as a curious group of people.

Dubber Corporation
Image source: ctfassets.net

Idea Behind Dubber

Founded in 2011, the three co-founders came up with the idea of Dubber Corporation over a few glasses of wine. These three friends were already working in the telecommunication sector and hence had better knowledge than inexperienced entrepreneurs. Before co-founding Dubber, all three of them were working with an Australian Service Provider whose main job was to all the in-bound call center traffic for ACCC (an Australian regulator). This was when the trio realized that though it is very inexpensive to record conversations, it is equally a very laborious job to retrieve the data. So, to bridge this technology gap in the telecommunication sector and make it simpler, they grabbed the opportunity at the earliest and started developing a whole new platform. They made the entire platform cloud-native and scalable for the entire globe. This is how Dubber Corporation was formed. All three co-founders are still a very integrated part of the group. James Slaney is the COO, Steve McGovern is the CEO, and Adrian Di Piantrantonio is the EVP, Global Channels of Dubber.

Growth of the Company

Dubber successfully raised $6 million in angel investment in 2013. After a couple of years, it went public and got listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. In the same year, Dubber successfully made it through a series of interoperability tests with BroadSoft’s unified communications software. During this time, Dubber witnessed a very high growth of 141% in terms of the number of users for the first half of the year. In 2016, Dubber established a partnership with Cisco Broadsoft and in the following years’ established partnerships with many other tech giants. It has also made a few acquisitions including CallN, an Australian call recording company, and Speik, a UK-based company.

Steve McGovern – CEO of Dubber Corporation

Steve McGovern is the current CEO of the company and before that worked at the Hotkey Internet Services Pty Ltd as the General Manager and was the Director of Sales at Sky TV. He completed his education at the University of Sheffield. Currently, he is also a board member of Dubber Corporation and Linius Technologies Ltd. McGovern, after co-founding Dubber, served as the Chairman of Firestrike Resources Ltd but for a very short time.