Top 5 Easy Ways to Fix ‘AirPods Pro Microphone Not Working

Top 5 Easy Ways to Fix ‘AirPods Pro Microphone Not Working

The AirPods Pro, known for their seamless connectivity and impressive sound quality, are a go-to choice for many seeking a wireless audio experience. However, like any technological marvel, they aren’t immune to glitches. One common issue users encounter is the microphone malfunction.

If you’re facing this snag, fret not! Here are five easy solutions to get your AirPods Pro microphone back on track:

1. Check for Firmware Updates

Apple regularly releases firmware updates to improve device performance and address issues. Ensure your AirPods Pro have the latest firmware installed. To check and update:

  • Connect your AirPods Pro to your iOS device.
  • Go to “Settings” > “General” > “About” > “AirPods.”
  • If an update is available, you’ll see an option to install it.

2. Clean the Microphone and Mesh

Top 5 Easy Ways to Fix ‘AirPods Pro Microphone Not Working

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Dust and debris can obstruct the microphone and cause disruptions in audio quality. Gently clean the microphone area and mesh with a soft-bristled brush or a clean, dry toothbrush. Be cautious not to apply excessive pressure to avoid damaging the delicate components.

3. Reset AirPods Pro Settings

Resetting your AirPods Pro settings can resolve various connectivity and functionality issues. To do this:

  • Place your AirPods Pro in their case and keep the lid open.
  • Press and hold the setup button on the back of the case until the status light flashes amber, then white.
  • Reconnect the AirPods Pro to your device and check if the microphone works.

4. Adjust Bluetooth Settings

Sometimes, connectivity settings can hinder the microphone’s functionality. Try disconnecting and reconnecting your AirPods Pro:

  • Open “Settings” on your device.
  • Navigate to “Bluetooth” and locate your AirPods Pro in the list of devices.
  • Tap the (i) icon next to your AirPods Pro and select “Forget This Device.”
  • Reconnect your AirPods Pro by placing them near your device and following the pairing instructions.

5. Update iOS or Device Software

An outdated operating system can lead to compatibility issues with your AirPods Pro. Ensure your iOS or device software is up to date:

  • For iOS devices: Go to “Settings” > “General” > “Software Update.”
  • For other devices: Check the respective system settings for software updates and install any available updates.

If these troubleshooting steps don’t resolve the microphone problem with your AirPods Pro, consider contacting Apple Support or visiting an authorized service center for further assistance. Additionally, if your AirPods Pro are under warranty, you may be eligible for a replacement if the issue persists.

Remember, maintaining your AirPods Pro by keeping them clean and updated can prevent many issues from occurring. Hopefully, these tips will help you quickly resolve the microphone problem and get back to enjoying the fantastic audio experience that AirPods Pro offer!