Twitter Says Parts of Its Source Code Were Leaked Online

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According to court documents, portions of the software code that runs Twitter were stolen online.

Twitter served a lawsuit on the website GitHub after discovering that a user going by the name “FreeSpeechEnthusiast” had uploaded unauthorized portions of Twitter’s source code there.

According to Twitter’s legal representative, the aim of the lawsuit is to locate the person who distributed the code.

The firm told CNBC that GitHub responded to Twitter’s request & erased the code the following day.

Musk has already asserted that on March 31 Twitter will make the code used to suggest tweets publicly available.

Twitter is developing a simplified approach to serve more compelling tweets, but it’s still a work in progress.

As per Musk "Providing code transparency will be incredibly embarrassing at first, but it should lead to rapid improvement in recommendation quality."

Elon Musk purchased Twitter for $44 billion and afterward took the firm private, facing new difficulties as a result of the leak.

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