Your Tech Story

Sabeer Bhatia: An Indian Who Built and Sold his Startup to Microsoft for $400 Million in Just 18 Months.

Sabeer Bhatia: An Indian Who Built and Sold his Startup to Microsoft for $400 Million in Just 18 Months.

In 1996, Indian entrepreneur Sabbir Bhatia rose to prominence as one of the co-founders of Hotmail, the original free webmail service, alongside Jack Smith. Bhatia’s persistence paid off when one venture financier recognized his promise and invested $300,000 in Hotmail, despite the roughly 18 rejections he had received. With this first support, Hotmail has been pushed into the digital world, indicating the beginning of the revolution of online communication.

A $ 400 Million Contract with Microsoft

Sabeer Bhatia: An Indian Who Built and Sold his Startup to Microsoft for $400 Million in Just 18 Months.

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Just 18 months after its release, Hotmail attracted the attention of the Microsoft Technology giant. After several months of negotiations, a 400 million-dollar agreement was reached after Microsoft became aware of the potential of Hotmail and then it gained its first 140 million dollar offer. The acquisition of the company not only proved the value of innovative ideas but also brought about a major shift in the IT industry and made Bhatia an industry legend. A key interaction with Bill Gates in 1997, during which Gates expressed interest in a possible future collaboration, changed the course of Bhatia’s career.

Company After Hotmail: Various Roads

After the sale of Hotmail, BHATIA launched many companies, such as Arzoo INC. and JAXTRSMS, as part of the current company. However, these efforts could not replicate the glory of Hotmail. Despite these setbacks, Bhatia has not given up and continues to explore new avenues in messaging, online shopping and Internet of Things applications.

ShowReel: Empowering Startups and Pioneers

Bhatia’s latest endeavour, ShowReel, demonstrates his unwavering commitment to fostering innovation. The ShowReel is an attempt to clearly show Bhatia’s belief in empowering the coming generations of innovators and ensuring the survival of his legacy in the world of technology. It combines instruction with a startup showcase to help business owners realize their visions.

Engaging in CyberDive: A Future Stage

In June, Bhatia was appointed as an official advisor for CyberDive, the company that manufactures the Aqua One smartphone for kids. The addition of Bhatia to the team is considered a decisive step in expanding global coverage of the company, demonstrating its constant influence in the technological sector.

The trip of Saber Bhatia from the co-founder of Hotmail before becoming a technical consultant at Cyber Dive is proof of his tireless desire for innovation and his influence on the digital world.

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