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Apple Vision Pro Struggling to Reach 500,000 Sales This Year, IDC Analysis

Apple Vision Pro Struggling to Reach 500,000 Sales This Year, IDC Analysis

Apple’s three thousand and fifty dollars Vision Pro mixed-reality headset, which debuted in the United States in February, has had trouble finding momentum in the marketplace. According to market research firm IDC, the device is still without sales of a million units in any quarter since it was released and is expected to have a 75 percent decline in local sales during the current quarter.

International Debut and Future Prospects

Apple Vision Pro Struggling to Reach 500,000 Sales This Year, IDC Analysis

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The global debut of the Vision Pro at the last of June is expected to compensate for some of the dismal local results. According to IDC, a cheaper version of the headgear, anticipated to cost nearly half as much as the present model, might revive interest by 2025. However, major revenue growth is not envisaged in the near future.

According to Francisco Jeronimo who is the vice president at IDC, the availability of content is crucial for Vision Pro’s victory, irrespective of the price. As Apple launches the Vision Pro in various countries, delivering country-specific material will be key to its success.

Mixed Reception

The Vision Pro has garnered mixed feedback from initial consumers and critics. While its superior technology has received acclaim, a few of Apple’s most loyal consumers have already returned the gadget. Criticism involves its weight and the lack of specialized apps as well as video content. These concerns have given rise to Vision Pro’s absence of influence on Apple’s quarterly profitability since its introduction.

Strategic Adjustments

The poor results have forced Apple to reevaluate its strategy. The organization is now preparing to develop a less costly variant of the Vision Pro. According to IDC’s Jeronimo, this more cheap model will more than quadruple purchases when it becomes accessible during the second half of next year.


Despite its unique technological advances, the Vision Pro’s high cost and lack of content have hampered market growth. Apple’s decision to introduce a lower-cost model and expand into overseas markets represents a strategy shift with the goal of boosting sales. Nevertheless, the headset’s ultimate achievement will be determined by its ability to deliver appealing content and match user expectations.

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