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How to Fix Your Phone When it Says Google Play Services Keeps Stopping?

How to Fix Your Phone When it Says Google Play Services Keeps Stopping?

How to Fix Your Phone When it Says Google Play Services Keeps Stopping?

On Android smartphones, the “Google keeps stopping” issue is a prevalent problem that can arise when doing several tasks, including installing apps, browsing news, or performing Google searches. This error is frequently linked to a caching issue, which makes the Google application or background operation malfunction and interferes with planned operations such as searching or using the app.

There are several ways to solve this problem:

1. Restart Android:

If the error is transient and brought on by a minor issue with a particular app, service, or shared source, all it takes is a quick restart of the smartphone or tablet to fix it.

2. Clean the Google App's Cache:

It is believed that the cache within the app is the cause of the issue. Getting rid of the cache could prove a useful fix. Go to Settings > Apps > Google. Then, press the three-dot menu and choose “Uninstall updates.”

3. Uninstall the Latest App Upgrades:

Users can fix the problem by uninstalling Google app upgrades. To accomplish this, navigate to Settings > Applications > Google, click the three-dots menu, and choose “Uninstall updates.”

4. Uninstall WebView Updates:

The Android system tool WebView is another possible source of the problem. Look for “Android System WebView” in the application’s settings to find out how to delete upgrades for WebView.

5. Stop or Remove Problematic Apps:

Users can attempt to stop or remove an app if they believe it is the cause of the issue. To accomplish this, long press the application’s icon, choose “App info,” then “Force stop” or just “Uninstall.”

6. Update Android:

The issue may occasionally be brought on by software upgrades, such as system and app updates. Updating Android can be essential, and users can try to fix the problem by downloading and installing the most recent updates.

7. Factory Reset Android:

This may be required if the fault continues. Before continuing, users should make sure all information has been stored. To accomplish this, navigate to Settings > System > Reset options, then choose “Erase all data (factory reset).”

It’s crucial to remember that while Google app issues are uncommon, they may be fixed with simple maintenance procedures like cleaning the cache as well as removing and reinstalling upgrades. The last option might be to perform a factory reset if the problem continues. It is advised that users upgrade their Android smartphones often and monitor upgrades from Google that could fix bugs like this.

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