In the next months, Twitter users may have something new to look forward to the Twitter Circle. Twitter Circle is a Twitter feature that allows you to create a small group of people with whom you can then exchange your opinions.
According to a Twitter blog article, “you pick who’s in your Twitter Circle, and only the persons you’ve added may react to and interact with the Tweets you share in the Circle.”
Twitter Circle, the microblogging platform’s iOS and Android apps are now available to more individuals. This feature is similar to Instagram stories in that it allows you to select people and express your opinions with a limited group of people. You can add up to 150 people to your Circle to share your tweets. Furthermore, these 150 people do not have to be followers of yours. Non-followers can also be added to your Circle. They will be notified when you add or remove people from your Twitter Circle. It’s worth noting that Circle is still in its early stages, with only a limited number of people in the world able to send out Circle tweets.
How to use it:
It’s easy to use the Twitter Circle. Both the Android and iOS versions of the app allow you to do so. Start tweeting your thoughts by opening your Twitter app and selecting ‘Tweet.’ Select ‘Twitter Circle’ from the ‘Everyone’ menu at the top. You can then choose who you want to add to your Circle and who you want to delete. The people who have been added to your Circle will be notified after you publish. They would receive a notice informing them that they have been chosen to view the tweet.
People who have been added to your Circle will not be able to retweet your ideas. They can, however, download the tweet or snap a screenshot of it.
Compose a tweet to see if you can join the Circle. You’ll know you can utilize the feature if there’s a new drop-down menu with the option ‘Everyone.’ You may check out, add, or remove persons you want to share the tweet with by tapping on ‘Everyone.’

Here are some frequently asked questions:
- What’s the difference between Twitter Circle and having a password-protected account?
When you set your account to protected mode, only your followers will be able to see the Tweets you share each time you compose and send one. This is a one-time update that stays in effect until you turn it off. Each time you compose a Tweet, you can choose your audience with Circle. You’ll be able to send one Tweet to your Circle and another to all of your followers.
- Who has access to your list?
Only you have access to the whole list of persons in your Twitter Circle. Although no one can access a list of Circle members, members can see your engagement when someone likes or reacts to a Twitter Circle Tweet you share, unless your account is protected. If someone in your Circle maintains a private account, only their followers who are also in your Twitter Circles will be able to observe their conversation.
- Who has access to your Tweets?
Anyone in your Twitter Circle can see any Twitter Circles Tweets you’ve shared, as well as any unprotected responses to those Tweets. If a Circle member maintains a protected account, only their followers in your Circle will be able to see their replies. Unless your Circles share similar members, your friend’s Circle will not be able to see any portion of the chat.
The feature is currently being tested, according to Twitter’s Joseph Nunez. The feature will be rolled out to everyone whenever Twitter receives enough input from the test group.

I am a second-year student pursuing Liberal Arts from Nmims. I am a painter, I love reading and have a great interest in cooking. I am also a trained kickboxer. I’ve always had a passion for writing and hence in my free time, I work as a freelance writer.