DATEV is a German-based registered cooperative society. The primary role of DATEV is in the IT industry as it provides technical information services to the accountants, attorneys, and members of the tax department. Founded in February 1996, DATEV was originally a data center that is now famous in the IT industry. Currently, DATEV is known for developing and delivering software directly to end-users. The company is also known for providing consulting services for these occupations. Though DATEV is a leading technology provider in Germany, its main interest lies in the tax market.
About The Company
DATEV mainly provides software for accounting, tax computation, personnel management, business consulting, and company organization. It was founded in 1966 and currently has more than 400,000 customers. The headquarters of DATEV is based in Nuremberg and apart from that, it has 23 other subsidiaries in Germany. More than 8,000 people work for the company in their main office and subsidiaries.
DATEV is a very popular company in Germany such that around 2 million enterprises in the nation use their software to perform financial accounting. More than 11 million payslips are generated every month using the DATEV software. The company also has a data center that is used by both the members of the company and its clients. Data security is the prime focus of every employee of the company.

History of DATEV
On 14th February 1966, 65 tax consultants from Nuremberg founded DATEV. It was founded as a cooperative self-help organization whose main focus was to facilitate bookkeeping tasks. The main five founding members of the company are Edmund Rudolph, Horst Preißner, Joachim Mattheus, Heinz Sebiger, and Klaus Hartmann. The company initially founded a data center where the accounting data of the members were processed. This was a step up from the primitive punch tape. The DATEV center was opened after the number of members in this organization started increasing rapidly and was finally inaugurated in 1969.
In 1974, Company introduced remote data transmission. First, the data was recorded on magnetic tapes, and then from the employee side, it was transmitted to the DATEV data center via the telephone lines. After a couple of years, the company established its first personal network for transmitting electronic data between tax consultant offices and the DATEV data center. But, the company dismantled the career network in 2002 because by then it was no more an economically viable choice.
Business Growth
In 1972, DATEV formed a joint allegiance with the Japanese company TKC and it was after ten years both the companies document the alliance. TKC is also a data processing service company and the joint partnership aimed to support more tax consultants with electronic data processing. Even today both the companies are tied up through business exchange programs. In the 1990s, Company started establishing its first Information Center starting in Dresden followed by Schwerin, Leipzig, Magdeburg, and Erfurt.
In 1996, one of the founders of DATEV, Dr. Heinz Sebiger retired from the company after 30 years of successfully monitoring the administration. By this time, the company started generated revenue in billions and employed more than 4,000 people. For the next two years, employers and clients in DATEV witnessed the transformation from the DOS system to 32 bit Windows OS.
The 21st century brought several opportunities for DATEV to explore and establish itself in the European market. The company established itself in the Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Spain, Italy, and many more. In 2003, the company expanded to Poland as it started a joint venture with Poland-based software manufacturer Matrix. pl S.A. In 2011, the company expanded its data center and included new trending services like cloud computing and data security. In 2021, a new management team was formed at DATEV with Dr. Peter Krug as the new CMO and Prof. Dr. Christian Bär as the new CTO of the company. Dr. Robert Mayr is the present CEO of the company.
Robert Mayr – CEO of Company
Robert Mayr joined DATEV in 2011 as a member of the board of directors as well as head of finances, purchasing, production, and internal data processing. Robert Mayr became the CEO of the company in 2016. Before joining the company, he was the managing partner at Solidaris Revisions GmbH. He also has seven years of working experience at Deloitte, one of the Big Four companies.

Annasha Dey is an NIT student, who apart from studying engineering is also a content writer. She has a great interest in photography, writing, reading novels, and travelling as well. She is a foodie who loves socializing and hanging out with her friends. She is also a trained Kathak dancer and a big fashion enthusiast. Dey also loves watching TV series, which includes F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and Big Bang Theory. To be a better writer she prefers to read more