Mitsubishi group is one of the biggest multinational conglomerates based in Tokyo, Japan. The Mitsubishi Group has subsidiaries in various industries from oil and gas to automotive companies. The company was founded by Yataro Iwasaki back in the 1870s. Though the company has a lot of members spreading wings in different industries, the three main core members also known as the “Three Great Houses” comprise MUFG Bank, Mitsubishi Corporation, and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.
The origin of the Mitsubishi Group dates back to 1870 when Iwasaki started the company with others. family members. But, a lot changes in the post-world war situation. So, let’s have a better look at the history of the company which is carrying its legacy for the past 150 years.
The Beginning of the Mitsubishi Group
Iwasaki initially worked for the Tosa Clan which was one of the most dominant merchants in Japan during the 1800s. While the clan business was thriving in Japan, the Meiji government created a new policy banning the clan-led businesses which led two powerful members of the Tosa Clan to establish a new company called Tsukumo Shokai in 1870. In 1873, Yataro was completely in charge of the company who then founded Mitsubishi Shokai. The company’s headquarters eventually moved to Tokyo and the business was renamed Mitsubishi Jokisen Kaisha.

The company started working very closely with the government as the Mitsubishi ships were used to transfer troops to Taiwan and Satsuma in 1877. Mitsubishi’s financial base became very strong after this operation and the company started flourishing under Iwasaki’s leadership. In the next few years, Iwasaki invested in new mining technology thus helping his brother’s business, and later acquired a few mines in Japan. In 1884, Mitsubishi purchased the Nagasaki shipyard from the Japanese government.
In 1885, Yanosuke Iwasaki took the place of Yataro Iwasaki as he passed away. Yanosuke was the younger brother of Yataro and the second president of the Mitsubishi Group. The new president played a major role in expanding and diversifying the company into new fields. But soon as promised to his elder brother, the reins of power were transferred to the next generation and Hisaya Iwasaki at 28 became the new president.
Entering into a new era
The young Iwasaki went to Wharton school and his leadership brought some new perspective in both business and management. The entire Mitsubishi group was then divided into various sectors like mining, banking, shipbuilding, etc and the cost and responsibility were divided accordingly. In the 1910s the company was going through great economic growth and Hisaya stepped down, passing the reins to Koyata Iwasaki. Koyata was in charge of the company during the economic depression in the early 20th century. Even in these difficult times, Koyata was committed to quality and fair business. His main idea was to shape a profitable and sustainable business which became the most important principles of the company.
While the company became one of the most powerful conglomerates in Japan, post world war II, the Mitsubishi group was forced to re-launch as independent companies. But in 1954 the companies again merged and became a single entity. In the second half of the 1900s, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation was booming. In 1969, Mitsubishi Foundation was formed which supports social welfare and research programs.
One of the most important reasons behind the success of Mitsubishi Group is its leadership. Every president that served the company embedded some strong principles in the work ethic and evolved by bringing western ideas of business and architecture into the game. The company stood strong even during the economic turmoil and during and after the world wars. Currently, the company is embarking on a new journey exploring beyond our planet.
About the Founder: Yataro Iwasaki
Born in 1835, Yataro Iwasaki understood and valued the importance of education highly. Yataro received the kind of education only a few fortunate people could afford during the time. He was born and brought up in a small village of Japan called Tosa and eventually started working for the Tosa Clan which marked the onset of his remarkable journey. While he was the president of the Mitsubishi group he introduced many new modern technologies which eventually led to uncovering some valuable mines for the company. He was the one who expanded Mitsubishi into other fields like warehousing and finance.

Annasha Dey is an NIT student, who apart from studying engineering is also a content writer. She has a great interest in photography, writing, reading novels, and travelling as well. She is a foodie who loves socializing and hanging out with her friends. She is also a trained Kathak dancer and a big fashion enthusiast. Dey also loves watching TV series, which includes F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and Big Bang Theory. To be a better writer she prefers to read more