After a wait of years, Cyberpunk 2077, was finally released in December 2020. But despite the long development process, the game did not have a smooth start and was filled with bugs. But then, people still settled knowing how huge the project was, and how long it took for the developers to meet the expectations of people. But now again, the newly launched game is under the limelight because of ransomware related to the game.
What is Cyberpunk 2077?
Cyberpunk 2077 is a role-playing action video game, released in December 2020 by the Polish video game developer CD Projekt S.A. The game is a follow-up to the company’s previous release The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015), and a team of more than 500 people has worked on it. This number is more than the number of people involved in the development process of The Witcher 3.
Cyberpunk 2020 is developed using the RED engine 4 and was made available for PlayStation 4, Stadia, Windows, and Xbox One. The company had also announced that it is going to release the game for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S in the middle of 2021 or later. Within one week of its release, the game started to show some issues regarding its performance, like the animation of the characters, issues with the objects in the game hanging at one place, etc. Only after a week of the title release, on 17 December 2020 Sony removed the game from PlayStation.
Cyberpunk 2077 is basically a combat and action game, offering many options to customize the background of the environment and the clothing, hairstyle, face as well as the voice of the lead, i.e. ‘V’, a mercenary. V is fighting and battling in an open world, set to be in Night City, California.
The Buggy Game

As soon as the game got released, the users started to face many issues with the game and reported many bugs. Though several were settled with the fact that the game was a big project, many asked questions like ‘why the company rushed to release the game, when it wasn’t ready?” After more than a month of the release of the game, here we are with some of the answers.
The Reasons behind the Bugs
The foremost reason for all the bugs and issues in the game is the hype. Cyberpunk 2077 has been an ambitious project for CD Projekt. The company had announced the game in 2012, along with the futuristic features it would be adding to the game. But even after four years of the announcement of the game, there was no sign of starting its design and development. The conceptualization and the development of the game only started in 2016, intending to release the game in 2020. The company had just finished its work on The Witcher 3 and started working on Cyberpunk 2077, and according to reports, the company had made big changes to its basic structure. It also started building a new engine for the game to run on.
Also, with new changes and a lot of burdens, many of the main developers left the project. The goals of the company suddenly changed, and it was looking forward to building a massive game with a lesser number of people in their team. In fact, if we believe the reports, the demo of Cyberpunk presented in the E3 2018 did not include any real information regarding the game.
And then happens the pandemic, the reason for most of the disasters in the world in 2020. In the case of Cyberpunk 2077 too, the developers were not able to pull out the desire results sitting away from each other. If we see some of the latest interviews of the current and the former developers of Cyberpunk 2077, the game was not ready for a release so soon and needed a lot of work done on it. Now since there has been a lot of a complaint against the game, companies like Sony are offering a refund to its customers. Also, the CD Projekt developers are constantly working on the game to make it bug-free.
The Ransomware
After the numerous complaints due to the bugs, there has been another issue with the game. Some suspicious people have created a similar site as the Play Store, where they are offering downloads for the mobile version of Cyberpunk 2077. This download includes nothing but malware. And upon the download, the hackers get access to the information that is stored on the phone. This leads the hackers to ask for money from the owner in return for the release of the information.
But here we must tell you that CD Projekt never released a mobile version of the game. But, even if you have got your information hacked, you should not worry, because this ransomware, dubbed Coder Ware, uses a hardcoded key, such that you can recover your information using a decryptor, without paying any money. So always be careful with your downloads on the internet.

Yashica is a Software Engineer turned Content Writer, who loves to write on social causes and expertise in writing technical stuff. She loves to watch movies and explore new places. She believes that you need to live once before you die. So experimenting with her life and career choices, she is trying to live her life to the fullest.