Only after the outburst of the novel coronavirus, Apple and Google started working together to develop a contact tracing system. The system was designed in a way that new apps can be created by PHAs (Public Health Authorities) and this system will be incorporated. So, whoever downloaded and installed this app when came close to another person using the app data will automatically be transferred and saved. This helped later to get notified if the user in the past few days came in contact with a COVID-19 patient or not.
Yesterday, the two companies announced a big advancement in the existing technology by rolling out new tools. The new tools are launched to make the task for PHAs easier as they do not need to maintain their apps. Currently, the tool has been incorporated in iOS 13.7 and Google is working on the same for Android. For Android, there will be an automatically generated application that will be implemented in Android 6.0 later this month.
What is Exposure Notification Technology?
Exposure notification technology or exposure notification API is software made jointly by Google and Apple to help the PHAs incorporate it in apps. After the PHAs and other organizations built these apps with incorporated exposure notification API they can release it publicly. The general public can use these apps to stay updated about the COVID-19 cases around them and if they came in contact with any of the affected patients.
Both the companies took care of the user’s privacy and hence encrypted the transmitted Bluetooth metadata. Keeping in mind public privacy, the location information of the users is not exposed. Instead of this, the notification alert just shows a time and place where the device came in close Bluetooth range with other devices. So, if a user-tested COVID-19 positive and updated in the app only then the other users will receive notification that they came in contact with a potential COVID patient. The first version (Beta version) of this software was released in May 2020. But, now Apple has announced about the modified system which will not require creating a separate app by any PHA anymore.

No separate apps required anymore
Since changes in the software have been made, people might get a little confused. The working system of this new modified tool is different for both iOS and Android. It is a bit complex for Android and that is why it will launch later this month. So, the most striking and best improvement is that you don’t have to download and install an app on your own that is created by the PHAs to keep yourself updated.
Instead of downloading the app, you will receive notification from your local health authority then you can choose to opt-in. If you are an iOS user you have to install a provisioning profile and in case of an Android user, an auto-generated app will be installed via Google Play.
Role of PHAs
The PHAs don’t have to create apps on their own, so what they will do? They will provide Apple and Google with necessary information like contact information, proper guidance procedure, the recommendation for effected patients, precautions for those who came in contact with the virus, etc. Then the notification system can deliver it to the users helping them to take necessary steps as required.
The local health authorities are still responsible for what messages should be sent and the further steps if someone with positive COVID-test updates in the database. So, they are just relieved of developing their apps as most of the tech part is covered by Apple and Google. But, in the meantime already 20 countries around the world have developed and launched their apps.
Implementation of this new system
This new Exposure Notification Express will be first implemented by DC, Maryland, Nevada, and Virginia. Both Apple and Google are also working with the U.S. Association of Public Health Laboratories that will help the users to track even after they are traveling out of their home state. It is proven that this system has helped in reducing the spread of COVID-19 and preventing many deaths.

Annasha Dey is an NIT student, who apart from studying engineering is also a content writer. She has a great interest in photography, writing, reading novels, and travelling as well. She is a foodie who loves socializing and hanging out with her friends. She is also a trained Kathak dancer and a big fashion enthusiast. Dey also loves watching TV series, which includes F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and Big Bang Theory. To be a better writer she prefers to read more