The demand for IoT will not have a flat curve for any time as soon as progress in digital communication is expanding. With the advent of the internet followed by the massive revolution by digitalization, the entire idea and system of communication have transformed. Today, transferring data is the most important procedure for carrying out any kind of communication. And, that is where the concept of IoT marches in. Internet of Things (IoT) is a broad system that connects any kind of device with internet access. From a computer to a smartphone, from a smartwatch to a virtual assistant, everything is part of IoT. In a simpler word, it is a network like TeamViewer that doesn’t need human interaction to transfer signals or messages (data more precisely).
What is TeamViewer?
TeamViewer, a German-based start-up founded in 2005 has built proprietary software for carrying out tasks like remote controlling, desktop sharing, file transferring between two devices, etc. With the help of a web browser, one can have access to any equipment that is running the TeamViewer software. Tilo Rossmanith is the developer of the software.
The software is available for Chrome, iOS, Android, Windows RT, Linux, macOS, Microsoft Windows, Blackberry operating systems, etc. TeamViewer provides encryption mainly based on 2048-bit RSA private/public key exchange and AES 256-bit session encryption. The software also includes two-factor authentication, enforced password reset in case of any unfamiliar activities, etc.
About Tilo Rossmanith
Back in 2005, Tilo Rossmanith built the software for his personal purpose. But, by the end of 2019, TeamViewer was installed in more than 2 billion computers. The software received a huge response from around the world and somewhere enlightened the face of the nation. Tilo became famous after building TeamViewer and he is currently on the Board of Directors at TeamViewer GmbH.
TeamViewer and IoT
When the internet was invented it was expensive and out of reach for common people. The same rule applies to computers and smartphones as well. But, many companies are trying to manufacture smart devices that are affordable for the entire world. Eventually, the price for such fancy things has come down and today almost everybody owns a computer, a smartphone, etc. For example, you can find a desktop in supermarkets for the ease of billing more efficiently. This contributes to IoT and with such progress, the demand for TeamViewer increased significantly.
By the end of 2017, out of the billions of IoT devices around 37 million were connected through the network of TeamViewer. It was in 2010 that TeamViewer stepped out of Germany and went international with subsidiaries in Australia and the U.S. In 2015, Permira invested around $1 billion in the company, and eventually, it became a part of the uniform club. There are very few companies in Germany whose total worth exceeds a billion.
TeamViewer’s software is also used in space especially by the Space Station medical team. The communication is encrypted between the linked devices and ensures safety. The company says that ensuring security is the most important purpose of the company which also provides real-time status alerts, early insights, etc. Apart from remote operations, the software also provides remote assistance to solve an issue without the need for a technician. And, remote alarming helps the clients receive alert notifications given that one sets up predefined conditions.
Other products and solutions of TeamViewer
The remote support provided by TeamViewer is enhanced with augmented reality called TeamViewer Pilot. The product helps the customers to fix bugs beyond the screen at the right time. You can contact any TeamViewer expert with the help of TeamViewer Pilot and show the problem with the help of your camera.
Another great product of the company is TeamViewer Tensor which is of great advantage for big enterprises. It helps to connect more than 2 billion devices globally around the globe and provide real-time support. It is a cloud-based connectivity platform that has remote access and device control SaaS solutions. Apart from these it also provides a platform for online meetings, support for mobile devices, etc.
TeamViewer in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
Since the service and product of TeamViewer both ensure fast connectivity and security, the demand for its products escalated amongst the pandemic. In February 2020, when the pandemic started spreading its root, the demand especially increased in China. The company expects that the profit would increase by a third at the end of this year.

Annasha Dey is an NIT student, who apart from studying engineering is also a content writer. She has a great interest in photography, writing, reading novels, and travelling as well. She is a foodie who loves socializing and hanging out with her friends. She is also a trained Kathak dancer and a big fashion enthusiast. Dey also loves watching TV series, which includes F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and Big Bang Theory. To be a better writer she prefers to read more