The most used and the most popular search engines that have been dominating the market since the arrival of the internet are namely Yahoo! and Google. And even before Google was launched in the market, it was Yahoo! that ruled in the web search engine. But, with time many search engines came up, few of them dissolved while the rest of them are just trying hard to exist on the web. So, a lot of confusion arises regarding search engines and search marketing. To eradicate this problem from the domain of search engine, SEO and SEM permanently especially for the people who are aspiring content creators, Danny Sullivan along with Chris Sherman founded Search Engine Land in 2006.
Search Engine Land is basically a publication that has got every news, information and trendy topic related to the search engine on the website. It is a very popular platform used by content creators, search marketers and consumers from different fields as well.
Danny Sullivan
Born in 1965, Sullivan was brought up in California. He pursued his Bachelor’s degree from the University of California and started working as a reporter at the Los Angeles Times and The Orange County Register. Sullivan was intrigued by the internet and left the job as the reporter in 1995. He wanted to delve deeper into the world of search engines and hence started doing research about these engines and posted guidelines on the web which was popular as A Webmaster’s Guide to Search Engine. In 1996 he became Editor-in-Chief of Search Engine Watch.
Sullivan’s guide continued for years and he finally co-founded Search Engine Land in 2006. The parent company of Search Engine Land was Third Door Media and Sullivan served as the Chief Content Officer of the company from 2006 to 2017. Sullivan, after founding Search Engine Land was named as one of the 50 marketing influencers in 2015. After he retired from the company, Sullivan announced that he will be joining Google as an Advisor.
Chris Sherman
Sherman went to the University of California, San Diego and pursued his Bachelor’s degree in visual arts followed by acquiring a degree in Interactive Educational Technology from Stanford University. In 1988, Sherman was named the Vice President, Technology of Leadership Studies International followed by becoming the Executive Editor of In November 2006, Sherman joined Third Door Media and in the next year, he became the Founding Editor of Search Engine Land.
Founding Search Engine Land
How many of you are confused between Search Engine Land and Search Engine Watch? Search Engine Land is under the company Third Door Media which was founded by Sullivan in 2006 as a digital agency to provide services in the area of marketing technologies, SEO, SMX, and related services. On the other hand, Search Engine Watch is the company that both Sullivan and Sherman worked for co-founding Search Engine Land. Search Engine Land was launched as the product of the company, Third Media Door in the same year when it was founded.
When Sullivan become a newspaper journalist and started off his career in 1995, the Internet just started gaining popularity. So, with people around him who wanted to advertise their websites through search engines barely had any idea about how they are ranked in a search engine at all or how they can improve their rank. This motivated Sullivan to do research about it, publish on the internet about search engine guideless which ultimately led to founding his own company after a decade.
The popularity of Search Engine Land
With the arrival of this new era of digital marketing, every start-up or freelancer or the content creators needs to understand the importance of SEO and SEM. Sullivan, in one of his interviews, said that he since day 1 has preferred to emphasize SEO and its importance though there were much negative feedbacks initially. But, with the site providing ample news, suggestions, updates, and guides about SEO, SEM and more, the company is leading in the publication world for technology. It covers every aspect of the search marketing industry that one user can probably lookup for on the internet and the company also conducts events and conferences around the world.
Currently, the company is having around ten team members with its headquarters based on New England. The estimated annual revenue of the company is $4.4 million and to date there hasn’t been any funding round for Search Engine Land. The website tracks more than 1 million monthly visitors and it is ranked 52,645 among all the global websites.

Annasha Dey is an NIT student, who apart from studying engineering is also a content writer. She has a great interest in photography, writing, reading novels, and travelling as well. She is a foodie who loves socializing and hanging out with her friends. She is also a trained Kathak dancer and a big fashion enthusiast. Dey also loves watching TV series, which includes F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and Big Bang Theory. To be a better writer she prefers to read more