The popular American social news aggregation and discussion website, Reddit, has just announced that it is going to start a new live streaming service. Last Friday, the Reddit feed was filled with posts that were talking about a new r/pan subreddit, which made everyone curious about the new feature. Finally, Redditers started getting notifications about this new subreddit on their accounts, including the announcement about a new live broadcasting service from Reddit, and also, the rules that one need to follow in order to live stream.
The company revealed through the notification that the new broadcasting service will be called the “Reddit Public Access Network”, and only the eligible people will be able to live stream over it. The r/pan subreddit will be dedicated to the very service.
Reddit will be displaying the best live streams on its first page. There will be a voting system, like the upvote Reddit already have on it. The other users can vote for their favourite creators, and those votes will be the parameters for the lives streams to feature on the Reddit front page.

But, there are some rules that the users need to follow in order to live stream on the platform. One of the rules states that the creators need to be careful about posting any adult content, anything that can offend the common users of Reddit, graphic violence, hoax promotion, as well as illegal or dangerous behaviour.
Since it will be a public network, there is no choice for the users to post anonymously or keep the live stream private. Currently, the new feature is out for testing. But even during the test, it will display the top voted posts on its first page. There has been put a limitation on the timings for the stream as well. It will be a five days test, that will end on 23rd August, and the users will be able to post between 9 am to 5 pm.
The main purpose for setting the time limit for the post is to carry out an accurate moderation for the content that will be posted through live broadcast.
“We are 100 per cent committed to making sure that content on RPAN stays safe and Safe for Work. We will be watching RPAN broadcasts very closely.” said the company in the blog post.
Though Reddit is already one of the most loved contents posting platforms, if all worked fine, the new feature can lead it to join YouTube and Twitch as one of the leading streaming platforms as well.

Yashica is a Software Engineer turned Content Writer, who loves to write on social causes and expertise in writing technical stuff. She loves to watch movies and explore new places. She believes that you need to live once before you die. So experimenting with her life and career choices, she is trying to live her life to the fullest.