Startups have become a trend these days. Every day we hear about several new innovative ideas, which are brought up in the market, with a pure desire to succeed. The masterminds see the industry as an empty canvas, on which, they want to paint with their own colours. They don’t want to work under some other person’s rules, but they aspire to make their own set of rules.
If you are also a startup genius, there are always 3 questions roaming around in your head. First, ‘Where to get the funding from?’, second, ‘Where to get the workforce from?’ and third, ‘If I get the workforce, from where to start working?’ Alongside, you also need the information and the contacts to get in the community of independent business. Well, the first question depends on your hard work, but when it comes to the second and the third questions, WeWork will get the job done, because Adam Neumann, the co-founder of the company, does everything to provide you with the best of everything.

Adam Neumann, the CEO and co-founder of WeWork, was born in Israel, in 1979. He was seven when his parents’ relationship came to an end, and they got divorced. His mother specialised in medical science and moved to the U.S., in 1986. Adam and his sister Adi also moved with her to the United States. After 4 years, the family shifted back to Israel and settled in Kibbutz Nir Am. Adam joined the Israel Navy and served as an officer, for 5 years. As his sister was pursuing a career in modelling, in New York City, she became the reason for him to move to the city after his service in the Israel Navy.
He then graduated from Brauch College, New York. He met Miguel Mckelvy through a mutual friend, and that’s when things took a turn. They both had many similar thoughts about connecting companies to each other and to build a community.
In 2008, they both co-founded Greendesk, in Brooklyn. Greendesk still continues to operate and provides eco-friendly office spaces for any business need, no matter if you are a team or an individual. After Greendesk, Adam switched and started to run a business, which made baby overalls. In 2010, both Adam and Miguel came up with another idea, ‘WeWork’.
When asked about the basic need and the idea of WeWork, Adam said “The truth behind WeWork is that we never saw co-working spaces. I owned a baby clothing business, and there was an empty building. I talked to Miguel. We talked about different things we could do to make that building better. And when we actually got to talking about it, I said that this is my third business, it’s a very difficult thing to start a new business, and if we could create an environment, where entrepreneurs and small businesses can come in, have a space, share services, and help each other to be more successful, then it would be a great product.”
First network lab that WeWork set up was SoHo, New York, in 2011. Soon, the company grew. As of now, it has more than 10 million sq. ft of real estate! It has drawn some big money investments from ‘Goldman Sachs’ and ‘Softbank’. WeWork has more than 5000 employees. Working at WeWork means that you’ll get to play an arcade room and enjoy the free beer!
The company has established its offices in more than 77 cities, in 23 countries, like India, Germany, France, Spain, UK. It has helped more than 20,000 companies, including big names, like Microsoft, Spotify, Facebook, Starbucks, Pinterest etc. It has also given a push-start to startups like Meetup, Consumer, Hack Hands etc.
In January 2019, WeWork was rebranded as The We Company. The corporation is giving a tough competition to real-time Real Estate. It is the biggest property holder in Manhattan (5.3 million sq. ft). Neumann himself has a worth of $4.1 billion (Reported by Forbes) with his company valued at more than $20 billion.
Adam Neumann and his company exhibit the value, a community can hold. It gives a vivid message that a team is better than you standing alone. When problems are tackled by teams, it brings a sense of unity and a better understanding. By being in the community, you are surrounded by geniuses and masterminds, very much available to lend you help whenever you need. Adam, clearly brought a more than needed product into the market to make your offices a better place and ‘you’ a part of the community in easy ways.

Raghav is a student and a content writer. He loves to write about emerging as well as the existing technologies around and about the ones who bring them to you. Music is the other passion that Raghav processes. It is like the fuel to his body. He is also in writing songs and poems. He believes that life is short, so live the best out of what you have got. Raghav considers himself a sci-fi guy, having stories and tech all around in his head, all the time.