It was 2013 when Google launched its first pair of smart glasses. The company brought the glasses too soon, as it lacked in the technical factors and was the biggest failure in terms of privacy, battery, looks as well as the functionalities. The company had to discontinue the product and recycle the ones it had already produced. After Google’s smart glasses, many other companies also tried their hands in the same but was not much successful.

This time a company named North has put its all efforts to create a similar product, i.e. Focals Smart Glasses, that it introduced at the CES 2019. The smart glasses look just like the normal spectacles, which consists of a touchpad, camera and a hidden projector placed behind the right lens of the glasses.
The UI for the glasses is a circular piece of polygraphic film which projects like a head-up display of a car dashboard. Using the glasses, the user can search, use the navigation, and also book an uber. The glasses also have got the support for voice text and have the inbuilt Alexa. It allows the user to check time and date as well as the weather.
The Focals comes with a Loop, a ring worn on the finger with a tiny four-direction joystick through which the user can control its menu. Also, it can be connected to the Smartphone through the Bluetooth so that the user can check the messages, notification, etc.
Just like the smartwatches, the vocals of the smart glasses are also there to alert the user about the important notifications. The Alexa in the smartphone can communicate with the smart home device and control them. The glasses can be customized according to one’s fit by taking proper measurements. A single pair of glasses will cost a $1000.
Although Google has already failed in the same technology, with the improved battery life, processor and optics, we can expect that North’s Focals may have some good scope in future. Also, Apple has been planning to launch its smart glasses in a few years. So, there may be a good hope for the glasses as to become a regular, but important gadget like any other, in the coming future.

Yashica is a Software Engineer turned Content Writer, who loves to write on social causes and expertise in writing technical stuff. She loves to watch movies and explore new places. She believes that you need to live once before you die. So experimenting with her life and career choices, she is trying to live her life to the fullest.