These days, we all are on social media sites, chatting our whole day away. Yes! And when it comes to expressing what we feel, words come after the emojis. Emojis is the integrated way of telling how you feel, and who knows better about Emojis than ‘BA’.
Confused about who is BA? BA is none other than Jacob Blackstock, the man behind “Bitmojis.” If you are an active social media user, you probably know what Bitmojis are. Bitmojis is an advanced version of emojis. it’s nothing else but ‘you’. Yes, Bitmojis is what you would see yourself as in an animated fantasy world. And the man behind this beautiful fantasy world, Jacob Blackstock or as he prefers himself to be called, ‘BA’ has a story which stands a must listen one.

The Toronto born boy had an exquisite interest in movies and drawings. Jacob was deeply influenced by some of the movies like Mary Poppins and Poltergeist. He believed in himself and saw his future in them. The day he got to know that only the humans create those movies, he decided to do something in the same field. His mother gave him tips about his speech and told him he must not forget about mentioning her when he would receive an Oscar. His passion for his dream to do something in movies led him to write a short story, “ Mr Beaver in Space”, at the mere age of four. While in school, he not only wrote but also, produced and acted in a play.
He also had quite an interest in drawing. It was almost like that he started drawing the day he learnt how to hold a pencil. He was too much into cartoons and comics and who knew that he would do something so extraordinary out of something so simple.
The ‘movies’ interest was not over yet. He got a job in a film studio and made an 11 minutes movie, which was animated using stop motion. It took him three long years to create the 11 minutes movie. It was Outrageous, but at the same time, he was also exhausted by this. He wanted to do something else, something different.
Keeping this in mind, he started working on a new idea. The project got the funding of the Canadian government, and all BA did was that he would sit every day on his desk, take a drawing sheet, and draw a 10×8 inches panel. He drew, drew and drew. Not thinking about what is going wrong, or without detailing, beautifying all the stuff he made, he drew and drew. Although he was not completely sure about what he was doing, he went on for a few months, and considering the work he was doing, he decided that something has to come out of it, and it cannot belong to the garbage.
Soon, he realised that it was too much work for him. He became tired of drawing, and that’s when he created an online comic builder. It was an easy-to-use tool and created comics faster than ever. The real strike for him was when he discovered that this comic builder designed people. The comic builder turned out to be wilder than his own imagination.
That’s when he came up with Bitstrips with the help of his high school friend Jesse Brown, in 2007. Based on his thinking that the comics take a lot of time, Bitstrips allowed people to make comics even with little artistic skills. Jesse referred it to as “YouTube for comics”. At first, it was meant for the educational purpose, i.e. was used in schools, but soon they noticed that it was also being used outside the class. In 2012, a Facebook version for Bitstrips was launched, and within months, it gained heavy user amount, i.e., more than 10 million users. An app was launched, and just in the time of few months, it became a hit. It was among the most downloaded apps across the globe. Upon which, BA and Brown received funding from Horizons Ventures and Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers.
In October 2014, BA came with Bitmoji, which gave users the independence to create stickers which featured comic characters of Bitstrips.
“Texting is making the conversation more convenient than ever, but it’s also stripped away a lot of the things that make communication human, we think one of the most important things that are still missing is identity. If you think about history, 99 per cent of human communication has been face-to-face,” said BA upon the purpose of Bitmoji (Source- Business Insider).
He further said that Bitmoji expresses what’s inside you. “Your avatar doesn’t have a bad hair day,” he said. Bitmoji really stood as the perfect animated avatar of the person who used it. It relevantly shows the best you!
In the year 2016, speculation started rising that Snapchat wanted to buy Bitstrips, which it did around for $100 Million. Bitstrips now only focused on ‘Bitmoji’, and soon after, a Snapchat update with integration with Bitmoji was released. Bitmoji became the most downloaded app on the iOS app store in countries like Australia, Canada, France, United Kingdom and the United States.
According to BA, Bitmoji is the “next level” or “beyond” emojis. Bitmoji releases new updates very quickly and sometimes even within 24 hours. Bitmoji currently, is a part of emoji and is gaining its spice by getting involved to Tinder to create something that shows the love side of ours.
BA predicted the needs of the communication of the future, and he presented it to the world which got famous just in a jiffy. Such is the power of imagination. And so is the story of BA or we may say, the CEO and Co-Founder of Bitstrips.

Raghav is a student and a content writer. He loves to write about emerging as well as the existing technologies around and about the ones who bring them to you. Music is the other passion that Raghav processes. It is like the fuel to his body. He is also in writing songs and poems. He believes that life is short, so live the best out of what you have got. Raghav considers himself a sci-fi guy, having stories and tech all around in his head, all the time.