Every business tends to walk forward and try to achieve new big things. But, as Elon Musk has already expressed his intention to bring new Tesla electric bike, the General Motors, has also released the prototype of their upcoming electric bikes, hence, moving from building big cars to developing smaller and convenient smart e-bikes.
The company has unveiled the prototype of two of their e-bike, one of which is the compact one, and the other is the foldable bike. The bikes are said to be smart e-bikes that are inspired by the company’s subscription-based communications, in-vehicle security and emergency services feature, seen in the OnStar cars. The bikes are designed keeping the security in mind and has the USB device charging points at the front. The bike is also equipped with the LED lights.
On the release, Hannah Parish, the Director of General Motors Urban Mobility Solutions, said, “As an avid cyclist and urban commuter, I know how great it feels to get where I’m going easily and to show up sweat-free. We blended electrification engineering know-how, design talents and automotive-grade testing with great minds from the bike industry to create our e-bikes.”
The GM’s electric vehicle team, including the engineers behind the Chevy Bolt, will be responsible for the development of the bikes. The bikes consist of a mid-drive electric motor and have got its battery mounted above it. The battery is a bit smaller and hence, needs to be re-activated by peddling the bike after the battery drains out.
The company has not revealed much about the e-bikes, and we have to wait to find out the full specifications of the bikes. But, the company has given a chance to the public to have an impression of their creativity on the bikes, as it has organised a campaign, in which people are welcomed to participate with their suggestions, for the name of the bikes, and the selected suggestion will win a prize worth $10000. And, that is not all, the nine runner-ups will also win $1000 as the prize money for their suggestions. The candidates can apply through www.eBikeBrandChallenge.com.

Yashica is a Software Engineer turned Content Writer, who loves to write on social causes and expertise in writing technical stuff. She loves to watch movies and explore new places. She believes that you need to live once before you die. So experimenting with her life and career choices, she is trying to live her life to the fullest.